Chapter 34

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*Night time around 9pm*
With the comet on its way Hope walked with Odins messengers to a spot in the woods the comet was expected to hit. The night was calm but there was an eerie sense of danger in the air. It felt almost electric and now Hope was wondering if she should have told someone about the birds she met.

"Hope! Wait up!"
She stopped and turned to see Landon jogging towards her confused as to why he was here. He doesn't usually roam the woods at night
"I was hoping I wasn't too early" he said.
"Early for what?"
"To meet said you wanted to talk."
"You said you needed space Landon, I never talked to you"
"Then who made this note appear in my pocket then? It says it's from you."
She snatched the note from him reading what was obviously a fake apology note, inviting him to talk in the woods and watch the comet with her. It even had her signature done perfect
"Landon I didn't send this!" A wave of unease hit her stomach when she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"I did." A smirking Josie dressed in all black walked up slow. "Glad you could make it"

"Josie what is this? Tell me now, what are you planning? "

"I'm done planning. It's time to execute" she snapped her fingers and the candles forming a large circle around them all lit.

"I'm sorry Hope, but I can't let him hurt you"
With a wave of her hand she tossed hope out of the circle, a barrier stopping her reentry. Her eyes turning black as she raised her hands and began her chant. Holding one hand out forcing Landon to his knees and unable to move. Odins birds slamming themselves against the barrier to try and break through, to no Avail.
The night sky lit up briefly as the comet hurdled its way towards earth.  With one Hand raised to the sky and the other to Landons chest she siphoned the incoming Comets magic, directing all the rays through her body directly into Landons Heart.  He Kneeld over and yelled, violently unable to deal with the pain that wracked his body.
Hope threw blast after blast trying to break through Josies shields, all Failing.
The closer the comet got the more hot his body became as he seized on the ground, his blood turning to liquid fire behind his eyes. With his last breath he looked at her and whispered "Hope" and died, lifeless on the ground.
The comet crashed into earth, a few feet away sending chunks of hard earth flying in all directions, knocking Hope in the head, rendering her unconscious.

When Josie saw this, she lowered her shields and ran to Hope to feel for her pulse. She was immediately attacked by the birds, pecking and scratching her violently because she ruined their only way home and hurt their newfound friend in this world. In perfect sync they opened their beaks to shoot a golden blast at her head effectively knocking Josie out too.

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