Chapter 12

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"Ok you two. Start talking." Alaric stared at both girls who were trying very hard not to meet his gaze.
"Well I have something to say!" Blurted out Lizzie. 
(Oh no,) Josie thought to herself. "How could you not tell me you had a new *she cut her eyes at Hope* plaything Jo?"
"PLAYTHING??????" Hope turned to face Lizzie wondering if her girlfriend really needed a twin.
"Well it's obvious she's confused with the whole Penelope situation. You took advantage of her. We should have you arrested!"
"Yeah I'd love to see you try!" Hope started to make her way to lizzie when a hand on her arm stopped her.
"GIRLS. Calm down. Nobody's getting arrested. I just wanted to know when this relationship...began. I thought u were with Landon Hope" Alaric stared at her.
"Um well I was but um the situation with Jed erased his memory and me along with it and rather than start over and mess everything up I just um kind of ended up with Josie."she faltered over her words trying not to spill her mind erasing secret to everyone. If Josie knew she would be so upset....
"I see. Well are you both happy?" He asked looking to Josie for her answer.
A little smile escaped Josie as she finally met her dad's gaze.
"Yeah I'm finally happy" she reached over and grabbed Hope's hand. Giving her the biggest smile.
"Well good. That takes care of that. We better move the urn to be prepared for the next monster. They may not all be as nice as a perverted centaur"
Alaric grumbled that last line. Obviously upset the monster kissed his daughter without her consent
"I can hold onto it daddy!" Lizzie said a little too confidently
And everyone in the room just stared at her
"What?......" she asked.

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