Chapter 10

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The girls quickly fixed their clothes and hair, and Hope answered the door.
"Hey! Have you seen Josie? Its important. MG just kissed me and I have to tell her!"
Hope moved to the side so Lizzie could see Josie on her bed.
" I interrupting?"
"Nope. Just having a girls night."
"Without me?" Lizzie looked a little hurt.
"No. You were just out with MG and I didn't want to be alone tonight...."
"What was that...?" Lizzie asked and all three girls ran to the sound of glass breaking.
The library. Why is everything happening here? Hope thought There was broken glass everywhere.
"Hmm maybe a wolf had a temper tantrum" Lizzie said
"I am no wolf." Came a deep voice behind them. They spun around to come face to well...chest with a very big centaur. With an even bigger flaming sword.
"I come for the second key to Malivore. Deliver it to me now and I will let you all go alive. "
"Yeah? I don't think so." Said Hope. She reached for Josie's hand.
"Lizzie go get your dad"
"Switchitum!" Hope said which sent a small bookcase into the centaurs side. He didn't even flinch as the wood broke around him.
"Witches? Is that the best you can do?" he swung his sword right for Josie's head narrowly missing as Hope pulled her out the way. They ran for the back trying to create some distance.
"We..we need a containment spell" Josie said shakily. She was visibly scared. Her hand glowed as she siphoned Hope's power and as the centaur rounded the corner and raised his sword he was hit with the invisible barrier saving the girls at the last second. They both breathed a sigh of relief as the frustrated centaur paced in his tiny prison fuming he had been caught by mere witches.
"Not a chance in hell" said Alaric as he rushed in. Crossbow drawn and ready.
"Are you two ok?"
"Oh yeah. We weren't scared" Josie replied. She looked at Hope and Hope looked down at their still intertwined hands and gave a little smirk. "Not scared huh?"

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