Chapter 16

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Its nighttime and Hope needs a run to clear her head. She heads into the woods and looks up at the moon. The calm scene around her vastly opposite to the storm brewing inside her. She can't for the life of her figure out why or how the girl knows what she know. And worse she can't go to Alaric because she would have to tell him what the note said...or worse he'll confront the girl and she'll tell him. If Josie finds out she'll be crushed, not to mention pissed at the blatant disregard for a person's rights. Not to mention the school rules she's sure she's violated. She paced back and forth running nervous hands through her hair. She just needs to run this off, but before she can call her wolf she hears a familiar voice.
"It's nice out tonight."
Hope spins around to see none other than the blonde devil herself. And does she faintly hear......singing?
"So, what's my favorite redhead doing here out all alone?"
"What do you want?!" Hope practically shouts at the girl.
"Hey not so loud, I just want us to be friends." She closes the gap between them, making Hope quite uncomfortable.
"My name is Sandy and I want the urn." She touches Hope's cheek and she flinches away from the very warm touch.
"The urn??? That's what this is about? I'm not giving you the urn!"
"No? Fine. Then I'll just be sure to tell your headmaster that you're wiping students minds when you don't want to deal with them. Or maybe I'll tell that nice little girlfriend of yours. I don't think she'll be too upset, do you?" She reaches out and twirls Hope's hair around her finger, and Hope is thirty seconds from slashing her throat and hiding the body in the woods. She's deeply considering it.
"Ooh. You look like you've got murder on the mind. Well either way I'll give you 24 hours to think about it. I won't wait long so meet me back here tomorrow night?With the urn. Or your whole little world turns upside down Hope Mikaelson." With a smug smile she turns and walks off leaving Hope more confused and upset. Her eyes glow and before she does something that she may regret later, she changes into her wolf and runs as fast as she can from her annoying blonde problem. 

However while all this is going on some distance away an invisible Lizzie and Josie are watching. Silent as to not make noise, and far away enough so Hope won't catch their scents. This also means they cant hear the conversation, But Josie saw all she needed to see. Hope said she didn't know the girl earlier but that's clearly the same girl from math class. If the girl was giving her problems Josie should've been the first person she told. When she reached to grab Hope's hair and face, Josie could feel her heart crack a little. Why was Hope hiding this girl from her, and what could she possibly say that could make her so upset?? As they walked back to their room and the spell wore off Josie cried on her sister's shoulder for what seemed like an eternity. And Lizzie had a plan brewing. No other girl is going to hurt her sister and get away with it.

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