Chapter 37

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"Noo!" She scrambled to drop her spell and cradle Hopes body. She never wanted this. She just wanted to destroy Landon so Hope could focus on her. She would never hurt her. Tears streamed down her face as her dark side ran, and the real Josie came to the surface. Pain shook her and her hands trembled as she placed them on Hope's chest, still in wolf form, and felt no beat
Alaric ran up and skidded to a stop. Unsure if Josie would attack him or not he leaned down and for the first time in a long time, he held her as her emotions overwhelmed her. He felt sad, but couldn't feel loss as he knew she would wake up. At least he had hoped.
He helped a solemn Josie lift Hope and carry her back to the school. He wasn't sure if the wold was ready for the Tribrid or even what all that meant. But for now, Josie was herself. The shock of seeing Hope dead, numbed the effects. Before she turned again, he needed to get those bracelets off.
Laying Hope down they waited together. She wouldn't take her eyes off her body, while her mental raged. Herself and her dark side argued both blaming each other for Hope's death. If she had stood up and not let her darkness overtake her, Hope's life wouldn't hang in the balance. What if she never woke up? It would be all her fault and she knew she couldn't live with herself if that happened.

Hope's body changed back to Human form and she blinked slowly. Lights by her head felt blinding and the movement in the room blurred her vision. Alaric pulled out his knife, ready to feed her.
"Dad, wait!" "I...I want to do it. She wouldn't be turning at all If it wasn't for me."
"No Hope, I'm sorry. Im sorry for everything. I let my jealousy fuel my dark side and I killed you, and Landon too. I'm so sorry" She cut her hand and offered it. Hope took it and drank slowly. The dark magic in her blood flooded Hope and turned her eyes dark. The skies outside rumbled as Nature rebelled against the transformation. Trees rocked and when their eyes met, Josie knew what happened. She pulled her hand away and Hope sat up. Finally, she was a full tribrid.
They sat in silence for awhile before Alaric asked.
"Josie....we need the bracelets"
Bringing herself up, she closed her eyes. One by one, she placed her power inside each bracelet and took them off.  She Gave 2 to Alaric and 3 to Hope.
"Hope, I need you. Not just as my girlfriend, but as my light. I want you to take these so I'm not tempted again. My dark side is too strong and I should never have taken the bracelets or let my jealousy take over. I love you, with everything. "
Hope pondered the thought. Josie really just gave her powers up just to prove she loved her.
" You're a witch. You won't be happy without magic"
"I won't be happy without you. I can live without magic. I can't live without you."
"I love you too Josie"
She knew she meant it, but there was just 1 thing she couldn't shake. she turned to Alaric
"I know we can't bring Landon back, but can we bring him here?"

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