Chapter 14

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It's been a couple weeks since the Landon mind erasing, Josie loving, centaur packed incidents and Hope is feeling good. For the first time she's truly happy. She's passed Landon in the hallway a few times now and he seems cozy with a new blonde girl. Good for him, shes happy he found someone. The girl stares at Hope as she passes this time making eye contact but...flirty eye contact? *Nope not going there.* Hope thought to herself and went to her favorite class. Math. Ok well it wasn't her favorite but Josie was in it and she just can't get enough of her. She's already seated at their table smiling at whatever she's writing.
"What are you writing?"
"Nothing." she slams her book closed and smiles up at Hope
Hope takes the book anyway and opens it. She's written their names and together forever all over the paper.
"Awww. Well can I have a kiss then" Hope leans over eyes full of love with more of a smirk than a smile.
"Shutup!" She hits her arm but she gives her a kiss anyway. Hope could feel it, Josie was happy too. And she would protect their happiness with her life. Just then the blonde girl walks in and sits down.
" She's not in this class. Is she?" Josie whispers to Hope as the teacher doesn't seem fazed at all and starts the lesson
"I don't think so." Hope has a bad feeling about this mystery girl.
"Maybe her schedule changed. I wonder why this class though." said Josie dismissing it and opening her notebook. The girl turns around and winks at Hope, Hope looks to Josie but she thankfully didn't see.
"I have no idea."
But she was about to find out.

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