Chapter 25

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*Klaus and Hope/ Landon and Josie chapter!*

*Hopes room*
"What are you going to paint first?"
"Us. But first i want a selfie"
Klaus smiled. He had never needed to take a selfie before. They both smiled big and took at least a hundred pictures. Hope laughed while klaus made an attempt at a funny face. She had never had him like this. Theres always an impending doom but for right now, right here, it was just them. She stared off into the distance feeling the dread build up.
"Hope, Whats the matter? "
"Hope, tell me."
"Im an orphan dad, and now you're back from the dead but only if i give up Landon, who doesnt even know who i am because i erased his memory an-
"You erased his memory" he smirked, obviously proud
Hope all but broke down. Klaus grabbed her and hugged her tight. "You will always do the right thing. I know you will. And you will never be alone. I will always be here. Even if im not standing here, I am here. Remember theres no hell that can hold me"
She smiled but there was still pain.
"I know something we've never done together. A bit of a last hurrah for us"
"Run. I believe its high time my wolf met yours"

*Library (Josie and Landon)*

"So uhh you and Hope are a thing? "
"A relationship. We're in a relationship"
"Yeah so how long has that been going on?"
"A while" she said lying through her teeth
"Oh. well she seems like a pretty great girl. You're lucky, im happy for you." He smiled, sincere and oblivious
"Well luck had nothing to do with it" Josie murmed under her breath.
"Nothing" She hated how nice he was being. If he only knew...then she could wipe that smile off his face. She slammed closed a book with frustration and heard a wolf howl. She turned towards the window and there was Hope with her dad. If wolves could smile she def would have one. Klaus may have been a monster before but he's an amazing dad. Maybe it wont be so bad for Landon to go.......she pondered on the thought and Landon dropped a stack of books. Oh yeah.  Nobody will miss him. He's gotta go.

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