Chapter 2

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Hope woke up with the sun shining brightly on her pale skin, sun warming her despite the early hour. *sigh* Another day. She thought to herself as she got up and got ready for the day. She made her way to class and sat in the back not wanting to be bothered today. As the class droned on she found herself gazing out the window, mind on her favorite daydream. But before she could begin smiling to herself with the thoughts roaming through her head, the bell rang. Welp. Time for the next class. As she was walking through the halls she noticed there were a lot more students lately. School must be really taking off with baby supernaturals. She made it to her advanced geometry class and barely found a seat. A few seconds later Josie walked in and couldn't find one. But her eyes found her. Hope tried not to stare too long with the inevitable heat rising in her cheeks.
"Can I sit with you?" Josie asked. When Hope looked into her big brown eyes she almost responded, You can sit on me. But nevertheless she responded
"Sure." And scooted over to make room. As Josie sat down Hope knew there wasnt gonna be any concentrating this lesson. Not with her so close.......she smelled so good.... "Ms. Mikaelson, do you know the answer?" Hope faltered, "um..4 and 5/8ths?"
"Good!" Her teacher replied. "Thought we lost you there."
"Youre so smart. I wouldve never answered so quickly. You should tutor me sometime" Josie leaned in and whispered in Hope's ear.
"I'll have to check my schedule." And gave a faint smile to the unsuspecting girl.
"Well clear it for Friday night. The library's basically empty cause everybody's always partying and this is the only class I need help in. Pleassseeeee?" Josie pleaded. Although Hope needed little convincing.
"Fine, just stop talking before you get me in trouble" Hope whispered back.

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