Start from the beginning

As soon as Jimin's trembling gaze meets Byeong-cheol's, he gulps roughly and instinctively, he presses his legs closed. He absolutely despises his inclination to cower and shrink in the man's presence, wishing he could stand tall and hold his ground. However that's not the case, because as soon as he takes one step closer, the teenager falls onto his ass and Byeong-cheol barks out a hoarse laughter.

"...Gguk, take it easy," Yoongi says as he rises from his own chair slowly, noting the burning embers in the boss's eyes.

Starling's jaw tauts as him and Byeong-cheol make eye contact. Taking their last conversation into account, the older man seems rather unphased regarding the heavy threats Jeongguk left him to ponder. Perhaps he maybe even could have taken the time to reflect on his actions, yet a switch seemed to have flipped in his rotten mind and not even a sliver of remorse flickered in his aging eyes.

"I thought our conversation yesterday made it pretty clear that you're no longer wanted on missions. Your inability to think about others before acting out does serious damage to this family. A family that you clearly don't care about," Jeongguk fumes and Byeong-cheol doesn't seem menaced, yet rather entertained by Starling's dwindling temper.

"I will admit that I was scared for a second...but you need me, Gguk. That teenager needs me. I know you want me gone, but who better to show him the ropes than me?" Byeong-cheol offers and Jeongguk's face goes red with anger. Jimin trembles on the floor, taking a disliking to each and every word that rolls off of the sick old fuck's tongue.

"There's no fucking way in hell--"

"Wait," Namjoon starts, effectively silencing the room. He presses two of his fingers to his bottom lip, evidently mulling something over in his head. His fingers are dropped from his mouth and instead tap against the wooden table. His eyes flit from every face in the room until they land on the boss himself. "As much as I know you're going to hate hearing this, he does have a point. Byeong-cheol's been around long enough to know how our procedures work. He's exalted in this type of work field. The work field the requires sneaking in and blending in. The teenager is younger and so in the eyes of our enemies, he'll be much more appealing than an old pedophile. Well..." he continues and then looks at Byeong-cheol who seems to sport a rather victorious expression, however it soon falters at RM's next words.

"I'm sure people would love to hear what kind of man you really are, wouldn't they? I'm sure you can imagine the things they'd do to a rapist. Even I have to admit that the possibilities are tempting. However I'll leave the pleasure for somebody else as soon as the time comes," Namjoon finishes and the older man's face scrunches into a bitter state.

Jeongguk looks to the watering eyes of the teenager and then to Agust, who seems to be on board with the notion. As much as he hates to admit it, and as much as he wants to gut Byeong-cheol like the pig he is, all points taken into consideration, Namjoon is right. There's a reason why he was appointed the position of consigliere in the first place. Jeongguk trusts his intuition.

"Fine," Starling agrees and immediately, Jimin bites down on his lips, trying to keep his tears at bay. The last thing he wants is to be left alone with the very man who fosters every inch of fright the teenager bears.

"Then it's settled," Yoongi says gratefully, taking one last puff of his cigarette before pressing it into the ashtray. "The sooner we get started, the sooner this shitshow ends," the smaller man states and he walks over to Jimin, lifting him off of the floor roughly by his arm, completely disregarding his sobs. Agust shoves him toward Byeong-cheol and Jimin yelps in fright as soon as the older man's calloused hand wraps around his wrist.

"...If you touch him again," Jeongguk breathes and Byeong-cheol gives him a cynical look.

"I'll let you know," he responds and before Starling can lunge forward, Namjoon grabs his arm and holds him back. All three of them watch as the teenager and Byeong-cheol leave the conference room, the echo of the door closing resonating in their ears.

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