Chapter 1 - Freedom!

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Okay, guys i hope you guys enjoy this story!! Have fun reading :D



Finally heading to the U.S! YES, FREEDOM !!

Now I'm on the plane sitting next to some big snoring guy.... it sucked balls.. I realized i need to pee bad really bad. I nudged the guy next me but he didn't move.. I decided that i was going to climb over him it was like climbing mnt. Everest. Running to the bathroom accidently knocking someone over i didn't care i need to PEE ASAP!!


WHAT THE ____!!!!!

Louis: "Niall, not now. It's only 9."

"But but but someone knocked me over and made me drop my frickin' pancakes!" I whined with a pout.

I stomped really loudly and waited outside of the restroom. A girl walked out .. my eyes widened in surpise, she was really pretty!!


Why is that random guy staring at me like that? I was starting to feel uncomfortable.. For some reason it reminded me of my boyfriend back in London, Justin.

I'm moving to the U.S, because living in London was way too crowded, and I just needed some fresh air to breathe in. I was excited for my new life, yet nervous for not knowing one person in the U.S.

I was about to pass by the random dude, who was still staring at me creepily. I glared at him, and then slyly bumped into him while passing.

The random dude stared at me. After a few seconds, it started becoming uncomfortable again.

The dude in front of me: "Sorry Miss, I was in your way."

Oh great. Why did creepy dude have to have such a cute accent? I can't help falling in love with their voices.

Random dude: "My name is Niall, by the way. Niall Horan. And you are?"

That name. Why does it sound so familiar?

Me: "Oh. My name is Jessica."


Jessica , her name was Jessica it had a nice ring to it. She had green eyes, the most beautiful eyes I ever seen.

Jessica:" what state you flying to?"

"New York"

Jessica:"really? I heard its beautiful there"

"Ya a lot of night life I suppose. What state you flying to?"

Jessica:"new jersey , going to live with my aunt. "

" Just for the summer?"

Jessica:"Ya, then go back to London"

She was only here for the summer? How am I suppose to get to know her better? She seems like a nice person, and did I mention she was pretty.she stood up making her way to her seat. WHAT DO I DO? Ok I got it

"Would just like to fly in 1st class for the rest of the flight?

Jessica:" sure I sit next to snoring fat guy"

She had a bit of humor. I like that.

"Ahahaha no worries we have no snoring guys in the 1st class"

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