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It was Zayn. He came to my rescue. Why?

"Zayn why are you---"

I was cut off. Zayn gave me a bear hug. Could he really tell I was crying? No shit Sherlock your eyes are red so is your nose. We were locked in each others arms for a long while. Once he let go he asked if I could talk about it. I couldn't tell him though. He's Niall's friend. What if he tells Niall? What if Niall finds out himself?

"Jess, your not ok. Just tell me what's going on."

He places his hands on top of mine.

"I'm ok."

That was probably the biggest lie ever.

"Then why were you crying love?"

"I was just um..." Think Jess think. I quickly thought of an excuse.

"I was just overwhelmed."

"About people finding out about your relationship with niall?"

I nod. It was half the truth. I already saw how much hate Eleanor and the girls get. I don't get how they ignore it. How do they just let it slide? I would probably cry on every hate tweet I see.

"Just don't think to much about it. If Niall makes you happy then screw what everyone else says."

"Thanks Zayn."

He was about to leave. I had this strange feeling that someone was watching me.

"Zayn can you stay?"

"Why what's wrong?"

"I've been having this strange feeling that someone has been watching me."

"Oh ok. I'll sleep on the couch then. I also call dibs on the bathroom tomorrow morning."

I began to giggle. I heard from the boys that Zayn takes the longest to get ready.

"Don't worry there's 3 bathrooms."


I saw someone's car pull up. Zayn walks out. He ends up hugging Jess. I took a couple of pictures. From my angle they look like they were kissing. I sent a text to Niall. I checked again and saw I sent it to Louis on accident. Oops my bad. O well shit is going to go down.

Louis POV

I was simply on twitter, tweeting the night away. Then suddenly a blocked number texted me. Wait I take that back, the blocked number sent me a picture. I clicked the picture it was Zayn and some girl. I zoomed in. Oh shit, it was Jess. Zayn was at Jess's house. Why? Should I tell Niall? If I did shit will go down. If I don't I will go crazy. I looked at the picture one last time. It was kinda blurry so I couldn't telling if they were kissing or just hugging. I headed to Niall's room, I walked in while closing the door behind me.

"Hey what's up mate?" He says.

"Um.." I didn't know what to say. I just tossed my phone at him. Thankful he caught it or my life would be over.

"What's this?" He asks.

"Zoom in."

He did as told. He jaws clenched. He threw my phone on his bed and punched the wall. Aw shit Zayn is screwed.

"Why, how did this happen? How did see this? Were you stalking her?" He asked.

"No I wasn't stalking her. Some blocked number sent me that picture." I showed him. He grabbed his jacket and he was out the door. I quickly dialed Zayn's number. Come on,pick up. Pick up. He didn't pick up. I called again.

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