Chapter 11- New Beginning

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Harry POV

With Niall gone I could plan this party. I got the streamers up, pick up the cake, bought the balloons, and pick up coal for the grill.

"Aye zayn I'm going to need your grilling skill tonight."

"Well we all know I can grill meat really well" he says while winking at me.

I went pick Jessica up from her aunts house.

"Happy birthday Jessica." I said while handing her her present.

She quickly responded with a kiss on cheek. I blushed a little hope she doesn't see that. "Well were do you want to go tonight?" She didn't reply she just looked out the window. What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Did she not like the necklace I gave her? I repeated my question.

"O um I don't know."

"How about going to my flat and just chill with the boys."

Her eyes lit up, I think she's falling for Niall. I mean she looked like, she wanted the ride to be over.

"So um how was your day?"

"Nothing special" she replies blankly.

Once we got the flat, I said," close your eyes."


I opened the door and everyone on cue screamed,"SURPRISE!"

Louis even sprayed Jessica with silly string. She immediately hugged me and whispered," thanks, no one has ever done this for me." Once I heard those words I knew I was in the lead.

Jessica POV

Harry picked me up, we had an awkward car ride. Harry kept trying to make me talk. I liked harry but only as a friend. My thoughts kept running back to Niall. His blond hair, his carefree personality, and his humor. I tried to avoid any conversation with harry because I was still trying to figure out if I was falling Niall. Once the car ride was over we headed into the flat. Once the door opened everyone yelled SURPRISE!! I couldn't believe it, harry planned a surprise party.

"Thanks no has ever done this for me"I whispered. I was serious though. No one has ever done that, my own parents never surprised me with anything on my birthday. My parents were always so busy, so busy they forget about my birthday. Seeing harry plan a surprise party for me just makes me feel cared for. The party was a blast, then I began opening presents.

"Open ours"- the girls say (Danielle, perrie, and Eleanor)

I removed the wrapping paper and see a LV bag. OMG!!!

"Thanks guys." I said while giving all of then a hug.

"Mine next!!" Louis repeated

I got the the pink bag. Slowly open it and I see a a jumper. It's says louis is a sexy beast.

"Louis, why are writing lies?"

"I am not." Louis said dramatically

"Open mine next" Liam says with a smile

I unwrapped a green box with in I see and buzzlightyear poster. Liam would give me that. He love toy story, I guess you can never get to old for Disney.

"Thanks Liam" I say while giving him a hug.

Zayn handed me purple bag, I removed the wrapping paper. In the box their were a pair of UGGS.

"Thanks zayn."

Harry opened the box in his hands. There was a paper airplane necklace. "Let me put it on you." Harry whispers. Right when harry was going to put the necklace in me, the door open.

Niall POV

I was heading back to the flat. Once I got the flat I saw flashing lights coming from inside. I'm guessing the boys were playing laser tag again. I open the door, and realized I was wrong. Harry was putting a necklace around Jessica's neck. From what it looks like this was a party. A party I wasn't invited in. I live in this DAMN FLAT and I wasn't invited. WTF is this.

"EVERYONE OUT!!" I screamed

With this everyone scrambled out. Only the girls and the rest of the guys were left in the flat.

"Girls you should go we have something's we need to talk about."

The girls left.

"WTF why wasn't I invited? Don't I live in this flat?"

"Wait you weren't invited? Harry said you had errands. And that he already called you." Louis explained. I could tell louis was telling the truth because he looked me straight in the eye.

"Harry never called me. I was at my uncle Matt's house the whole time!!"

"We didn't that, all we know is that you were running errands." Louis and Liam chorused.

"WOW HARRY, you stupid bloke. That's a new a new low!! You know you can have any girl, and you chose mine. F**k off mate!!"

"She's not even yours, your just upset that I'm in the lead."

"UPSET? I'm upset no I'm furious at you. Your my best mate, I didn't think you would do this." I couldn't hold in my temper any longer. I punched the wall, my knuckles begin to bleed. Shit it hurt. I grabbed a pictures of harry and I and threw them to the floor. There was glass everywhere, I need to get out of the flat. I ran out, I just couldn't believe it. Harry is my best mate I mean why? He has some serious problem. As I'm walking down the street I see a girl walking. She looks some what familiar.

Jessica POV

Seeing Niall just scream "EVERYONE OUT!" Just scared me I never knew he would be like that. When he told us girls to go because he had to "talk" with his mates. I mean there's something going on that I didn't know about.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride?"- the girls asked

"No, I'm going to call a taxi. Thanks for the offer though"

I called for a cab, then they said they would only pick me up where there isn't a residential area. I decided to walk, my feet our killing me. I hear foot steps and I quickly turn around, I squinted and saw it was Niall. Butterflies were currently occupying my tummy.

"Hey Jess" he says, he looks down to the floor. What's wrong? Omg his knuckles were bleeding.

"Niall are you ok? Your bleeding."

"Oh it's nothing wanna go to the park."

"Um ok?"

"Is your birthday today?"

"Yea, I would got you something but no one told me."

"It's ok how about I make it up you"

"How so?"

"Let's hang out tomorrow after you finish work?"

"Sure thing"

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