Chapter 10 - Party

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Harry POV

I need to get back in the game. I feel I'm losing, and I never lose. If I want, I get it for sure. As I get the flat I hear Niall and Jessica talking. "Will you go out with me Jessica??" Niall said. Wtf?? Do my ears my deceive me? Did Niall just ask her out?? I'm so behind on my game.. I need to step it up. I walked to the kitchen grabbed the house phone and begin to dial Jessica's aunts number. But before I could dialing the numbers I hear," um... Niall I only known you for a couple days." Yes! I still have a chance. I quickly go up to my room and call Jessica's aunt.


"Hey may, it's harry."

"O hi harry how are you?"

"I'm good, um I was wondering did Jessica have a birthday party this year?"

"Not that I know of why harry?"

"I'm going to plan a surprise party for Jessica."

"O that's great idea, I'll keep my lips sealed. O harry I got go I'm kinda busy right now. Nice talking to you harry."

"Bye may"

Great her aunt agreed with me. Ok so I have two days to plan Jessica's surprise party. I can't start today, Niall will find out if this plan is going to work Niall must not know about it.

Niall POV

I asked Jessica out she declined but then I saw harry walk in to the kitchen and grab the home phone. I could've sworn he was listening in the conversation between me and Jessica. Whatever as I go up stairs all I hear is "bye may"

Why would harry be talking to may?

O well it's doesn't matter because I knew I was getting close to Jessica.


Today the boys and I are in the recording studio, ya know recording for the new album. I'm so happy with the new album, I finally have parts to sing. The first album I rarely sang because my voice makes girls get pregnant. Just the thought of that makes me laugh. During the recording session my thoughts trailed to Jessica. Her smile, her laugh, her personality, and her presence. I knew why she rejected me it may be because I only knew her for a couple of days but it's also because Justin (her a**hole ex boyfriend) Broke her heart. She might not be ready for a new relationship.

If I was her boyfriend, I will treat her right. "NIALL!, sing your part." Zayn whispers into my ear.

"O yea." And I begin to sing. After the recording session all the boys usually stay to hear the songs,but harry he just took off. Hmm I wonder why? Might not be with Jessica because she with her aunt the whole day. I got a text it's from harry. What a surprise.


Hey mate your uncle mat just called me asked if you were free to go visit him.

Uncle mat wanted to see. Gosh I haven't seen in forever. Yea harry and him were pretty close. He would always call harry if I was busy. He calls harry his adopted son.

To harry:

Sure I'll be on my way there.

Harry POV

Great the plan is in motion. His uncle might even ask him to stay the night this is perfect. I went to party city and went to buy all the supplies. I called the bakery and said I was going to pick up the cake tomorrow. Should I buy the balloons tonight? Nah I'll just buy it tomorrow.

As I make my way to the flat, the boys are in the living room playing the Xbox.

"Eh mate what's did u buy?" Louis said while snooping in the bags

"Just some stuff" I replied while opening the fridge.

"They aren't food that's for sure." Louis said with a scoff. I'm assuming he's hungry.

"No shit Sherlock"I reply very slowly so he can catch on.

"That hurts styles. What's all this for anyways?"

"I'm planning a party tomorrow at our flat."

"A party? When did this happen?" His eyes widen.

" it's a surprise party for Jessica."

"O cool, I'm going to call Niall. I don't know where he went."

"It's ok I called him when was on my way here."

"Ok then!" He replies and goes back playing the Xbox with the other boys.

Phew, that was close. I hope he doesn't ask anymore questions.

Niall POV

I got to uncle mats house, gosh it been a long time. They repainted the house, looks nice. I pressed the doorbell and out come uncle mat.

"Niall, how have been?"

"Great how about you?"

"Everything is good, I repainted the house."

"I see i see it looks nice"

"So um Niall how's the music coming along."

"It's great actually, I just had a recording session before I came here."

" really? So new album, coming soon I'm guessing."

"Yea should be, not sure the exact date."

"Niall could you stay a night? It's just I haven't seen you in a while."

"Sure, I have the day off tomorrow anyways."

"We it's getting late you should go rest up for tomorrow."


"Woke up Niall!!" I was up within seconds.

"Hurry up, we got a great day a head of us."

We later headed to the forest. Why are we at the forest?

"Niall ready for some shooting?"

"We're going shooting?"

"Yea we are"

Wow it's been a while since I gone shooting. Shooting makes me feel like man. After we went shooting I was on the way to the flat. Today was a good day I shot a deer and a raccoon.

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