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After my little nightmare I didn't know what to think. The questions that came through my mind was: did Harry like me? In my dreams he said I fell for his best lad, Niall. So um is this true? I know how some people say a dream is just a dream, but this one seems real. My phone rings,it was Niall. I reached for the phone. I felt a smile began to form.


"Hey beautiful. You free?"


"Wanna go out?"

"Ok sure."

"I'll be there in an hour."


I got ready. Doing the usual. Lipstick and a little bit of eye liner. I wore a lace dress with some lace TOMS.

Niall and I headed to the nearest bowling ally. He looked so cute. He looked cute in anything he wears. Quit staring Jessica.

"Jess? You ok?"

"Yu-Yu-yup I'm fine."

Your such a dumb ass Jessica. You stuttered.

"Are you sure babe?"

"Yeah I'm good."

"Ok, cause I saw you stare at my arm muscles. You know how these bad boys are. Girls go crazy for them."

I started to laugh really loudly. I didn't care if anyone was staring. When I'm on a date with Niall. It's just me and him,no one else matters.

"What it's true? Wanna have a feel?" He smirked.

I felt his arms. Damn he's been working out. It was nice and firm.

"You like?" He raised his eyebrow.

Hell yes I did. Control yourself! I told myself.

"Yeah there nice" I said in my casual voice.

"Like I said girls go crazy for these bad boys."

"Should I be jealous?"

"Jealous of what?"

"Other girls coming all up on you."

"Babe that would never happen cause your my one and only."

He pecks my on lips. Then goes back to bowl. Damn I just want him, if you know what I mean. I need to freaking calm my tits. After bowling for an hour or so we went to the park to walk.

Niall fingers untwined into mine. It fits perfectly.

"You hand fits in mine like its made just for me." Niall sings.

I just smile and look to the ground. He's just so perfect.

"And when smile at the ground it's not hard to tell, you don't know uh oh you don't know your beautiful."

"Oh Niall stop it. You know you don't mean it."

He pulls me close to him. His blue orbs staring back at me.

"I mean it. You are beautiful."

Then he kisses me. Clouds began rolling in I didn't mind. Rain fell. We headed back to the flat that's when I saw ..... Harry.

My mind was running thoughts about my dream.My heart was going to explode out of my chest. I was speechless.I quickly hid behind Niall.

"Hey jess!" The boys call out.

I greeted everyone of them. Then I stopped at Harry. I didn't say hi or give him a hug like usual, I simply just stood there like a statue.

"Jess are you ok?" Niall comes behind snaking his arms around my waist.

"Um I have to go."

"I can give you a ride."

"No, i'll call a cab."

Then I was out the door. I got home within five minutes tops. I needed to talk someone, but I couldn't tell any of the boys.

Niall POV

I had another perfect day with Jessica. Once we got to the flat, she started to get jittery. I didn't know why. I thought it was because she was cold. I was wrong. Was she jittery about Harry? Was she scared of him? Was she cheating me with Harry? No, she wouldn't do that. Was she having feelings for Harry now?

"What's wrong with Jessica?" Harry questions.

"I don't know."

"You sure. She wasn't like that before you guys started dating." He made air quotes on the word dating.

"I really don't know. Is there something I should know?"

"What do mean?"

"Did she cheat on me with you?"

"No! She wouldn't do that. Do you not have faith in your reletionship?"

"I do it's just. I haven't had a girlfriend for a while and I won't know if I'm doing something wrong."

He pats me on the back.

"Your doing everything right. Just don't doubt your relationship. Your a lucky man, don't cha forget it."

Harry POV

I told Niall what he wanted to hear. He was a luck man. I would stop at nothing to win her heart. If Niall gets in the way that's his problem. Jessica will be mine and forever will be.

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