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Perrie POV

The tour is going great. The fans are amazing. I've been skyping Zayn for a while now. But he's different, I don't know how to explain it. I currently had some free time on my hands so I decided to Skype Zayn. I called, he didn't answer. Then a minute later he called back.

"Sorry babe, time difference remember."

I totally forgot about that.

"How've you been?"

"Great actually, new album, you know."

I knew, we work in the same industry.

"How's the the tour babe?"

I don't know but when he calls me babe it's just the best thing in the world.

"It's great, fans are amazing. I have a meet..."

"Perrie, Perrie!" He called while cutting off my sentence.


"I have something to tell you."

Oh my gawd is he going to propose? I mean we went out for two years, isn't it time?

" what is it? "

I was battering my eyelashes. I mean I was going to cry, tears of joy, you know.

"I think I'm in love."

He said he was in love. He just said he was love though. What's

that suppose to mean?

"I'm in love with another girl."

My jaws almost dropped to the ground. How could he? Does the two years we been together mean nothing?

"What do you mean? Where you cheating?"

I was going to cry but I kept sniffling so the tears won't fall.

"No, I wasn't cheating, I just need a break. I'm sorry Perrie."

"Break from what huh? Was I not good enough? What did I do wrong?"

"Perrie it's hard for me too ya know. I think I'm in love with two girls."

"Two girls? And I'm guessing I'm your second choice right?"

"Perrie, your not my second choice. I just need a break."

"This is good bye huh?" I felt the tears falling. I'm not even going to bother to wipe them away. He need to see that I was hurting.

"Not goodbye. It's more like see you later. Don't cry babe. It hurts me to see you cry."

When he said that I just wanted to smack him across the face.

"Don't call me babe."I growled.

"Perrie I'm sorry. "

"No your not Zayn. I can't believe you. You tell me not to cry and your the reason why."

"Perrie you have to understand."

"Understand? How about this I'm done with you. I'll forget about what happened between us. Lets just put it beside us. Like nothing happened. Like we never happened."

I was so angry I hung up on him. Slammed my laptop. I didn't know what to think. I'm angry, upset, and confused. Angry at the fact that he just broke with me through Skype. Upset that he just threw our relationship down the drain. Confused that he didn't show any signs that he was losing interest. I cried, I mean what else am I suppose to do. I was still on tour which means I would have to put a fake smile in front of everyone. Even though I'm hurting inside.

The Story Of My Life (A One Direction Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя