Alternate Ending

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Hello there. This is an alternate ending of the season 4 finale. Since I'm not gonna write the other seasons anymore. I'm gonna do this instead.

I wake up to the smell of burning and the sound of the huge fire burning from the boiler room, the fire had spreaded quite close to me as I try to get up but feel a sharp pain in my left leg.

"Fuck..." I say to myself as I look around for anything to help me up upon noticing a long iron rod by me, I reach over and pick it up as I try to get back up again. The pain in my left leg was unbearable but I pushed through it and eventually got up before I slowly limp to the railing and look out for any familiar faces but see no one.

"They must have left without me." I say to myself and scratch my head before realising I'm not wearing Kenny's hat anymore. "No, I can't have lost it. I'm sorry, Kenny." I say and look up at the sky before hearing the groan of walkers. I look down before looking around for a safe place to avoid them as I notice a small roof to my left, I limped towards it while avoiding fallen debris in my way as I climb over the railing and drop onto the roof before dropping down onto the platform.

Unfortunately, I managed to land on my broken leg quite hard as the pain ran up my body causing me to fall to the ground making me cry out in pain, but the walkers ahead of me seemed to noticed as they started walking towards me.

"Shit." I say to myself before get back up and hold my iron rod as a weapon. Before I could even react, a huge explosion went off behind me as it sent me flying across the pier and land hard on something as it knocks me unconscious.


I open my eyes and look around the area before noticing that I was in my old room before the apocalypse. I looked down and saw the blood stain on my shirt and hand as I look around my old room. I look at all the toys scattered across the floor and my favourite F/S/H book on my table as I smile at the childhood memories before hearing something shuffle behind me.

I turned around and saw... me, when I was 9 years old, he looked up at me and giggled as he spoke.

"Wake up." He said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Wake up, you idiot." He said again and before I could react, a bright, white light shined in my face.


I wake up to sees an iron rod lodged in my stomach that went through my back, the iron rod was bent so I couldn't escape with rebending it. I place both my hands on the iron rod and pushed it back with all my might as is straightened up.

The only problem now was to get out of it so I tried to push myself out but the iron rod was too far impaled into me. I then noticed walkers approaching. Thinking quickly, I takes my belt off and wraps it around a pipe hanging above me and start to pull myself up. The pain was unbelievable and the walker drew closer to me so I pull with all, my might until I break free as I collapse to the floor and grabbing an iron rod and kill the walkers in my way. It was difficult to do with my broken leg but once it was done, I looked around for a safe way out of this chaos.

I take cover behind some crates and wait for an opening until I see my opportunity as I quickly limp towards the forest. Unfortunately, some walkers saw me and started following me through the forest as I kept limping further and further away from them.

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