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Clem's pov

YN, AJ, Willy and I have been walking through the woods for about half an hour, we've been trying to find this boat that Abel told YN. Apparently, it's by some small pier and that they're loading up, ready to return back to the Delta, we can't let them take our friends so we have to find them. Whatever it takes.

I look down at the map in my hands and look around the area for any sign of a boat, so far nothing. I close up the map and pocket it before looking at YN, who had his shield on his back and knife in his right hand. I look at AJ and speak up.

Clem: Once we find the boat, we'll look for a way to sneak on board.

Willy: Yeah, if Tenn doesn't fuck it up this time.

I notice AJ frown before he stops walking and turns around to face Willy.

AJ: It wasn't Tenn's fault.

Willy glared at him before replying.

Willy: Yes it was! Mitch died because he--

AJ: Say one more thing about Tenn. I dare you.

I walk over to the two boys and try to break up the argument, but YN beat me to it.

YN: Guys. Two things, okay?

YN turned around and held two fingers up, he then raised his other hand and pointed at them.

YN: Shut. Up.

He then pointed behind him and showed us a large boat by a small pier, we crouched down and slowly crept until we were hidden behind some large grass. YN and I looked at each other while AJ pulled out some binoculars and started scouting out the boat, I looked at him and spoke up.

Clem: You see anything?

AJ: The beach, uhm a boat, and uh... a wood street in the water.

I smiled at his words before correcting him.

Clem: That's called a pier.

AJ: Pier.

Clem: Okay, let's spread out and focus on those areas. Keep your heads low.

The three of them nodded at me before AJ and Willy went their own ways to scout out while YN stayed put, taking out his own binoculars and takes a look for himself. I made my way over to Willy, see if he's spot anything useful we could take.

Clem: Anything useful?

Willy: Looks like building material, furniture. Probably stuff from the train station.

I nod at him as I take out my binoculars and take a look for myself and the first thing I notice is some rafts.

Clem: They're loading those rafts with supplies.

Willy: I could cut those loose and just ride them down river. Easy.

I look to the right and notice a guard on a pier next to some supplies.

Clem: Sheet metal, wood... and quite a bit of it.

Willy: We should have that stuff!

I look a bit more to the right and notice a large torch at the corner of the pier.

Clem: Look, torches.

Willy: Yeah, what about them?

Clem: We could use the fire.

Willy nodded at me once he realised my plan, I then put my binoculars away and sneak over to YN, who was still looking through the binoculars.

Clem: What do you see?

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