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Y/N sneaks onto the deck and notices that there was no one around, he clutches his revolver harder in his hand and looks around the boat for Lilly.

"Where the hell is she?" He says to himself but before he could react, a bullet hits his shield on his back as he turns around and aims at where the shot came from. He sees Lilly aiming a gun at him so he shoots back but she takes over, the two keep trying to shoot each other as Lilly hides behind cover. Y/N then runs up the stairs towards where Lilly was. He peaked around the corner and notices that she was gone. But what he didn't know was that Lilly had snuck behind him with some rope in her hands.

Lilly then wraps a rope around Y/N's neck and starts to strangle him with it. Y/N tries to slam her against the wall as he shuffles about in hope to break free. Seeing no other option, Y/N headbutts Lilly backwards, dazing her as she fell back while blood poured out of her nose. Y/N then gets the upper hand and starts punching her in the face repeatedly and pushed her against the metal railing, he starts to choke her out with all his strength which seemed to be working.

Unfortunately, Lilly is stronger than Y/N so she grabs both his arms and then starts to push him back, making Y/N look at her in shock before she punches him across the jaw. Y/N holds his jaw in pain as Lilly towers over him so he tries to punch her back, but Lilly blocks this attack and uses her military background training and blocks all of Y/N's punches and punches back whenever she sees an opening. She proves to be too much for Y/N as she knees him in the face before lifting him up and throws him off the platform, making him hit the deck below hard.

Lilly grabs a nearby axe and jumps off the deck, trying to hit Y/N with it. But he moves out the way and pulls out his shield and starts blocking and dodging all her attacks. He stands his ground for a good few seconds before Lilly kicks him to the ground, he falls back and lands next to a small sledgehammer as he picks it up and blocks Lilly's axe.

 He stands his ground for a good few seconds before Lilly kicks him to the ground, he falls back and lands next to a small sledgehammer as he picks it up and blocks Lilly's axe

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Y/N then pushes the axe away before spinning around and bashes Lilly's face with the shield, dazing her as Y/N whacks her with the hammer.


The two have a intense fight which Y/N starts to get the upper hand as he blocks Lilly's axe with his shield and attacks her with the sledgehammer. He then knocks the axe out of her hand then uppercuts her across the jaw with the hammer as she falls to the ground, clutching her jaw in pain.


At this point it seemed like Y/N was going to win, but Lilly then grabs Y/N's hand with the sledgehammer in it and starts to twist his hand, he cries out in pain as Lilly disarms him and backhands him away before picking the axe back up and raises it in the air.

She then brings it down as Y/N raises his shield in hope to block it, but the axe goes right through the shield and makes a huge crack in it. She then keeps on swinging and the shield slowly starts to break apart until only half a shield remained, Y/N falls to the floor and Lilly takes this opportunity to kick him away.

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