An Unfriendly Reunion And A New Friend

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No's pov

Clem, YN and AJ continue to walk through the forest towards the end of the safe zone with Violet and Louis following them from a distance, Clem keeps turning around and giving them stares as they continue.

AJ: Guys?

Clem: Yeah?

AJ: Will we have to get another car?

YN: Maybe, we got lucky once. Maybe it could happen again. But for now, we're walking.

AJ: My shoes are going to break.

Clem: We'll find you new ones.

YN: Stronger ones.

AJ: But if they break, my feet will bleed again.

Clem: We'll just have to bandage them.

Louis looks at Violet before looking back at the others.

Louis: It ain't that bad.

YN turns around and stares at him, Louis looks away as he continues to speak.

Louis: I mean you've done this before right? Can't be so hard now.

YN: Like you would know what it's like out there, considering you've lived behind fucking walls your whole lives.

Louis immediately shuts up as everyone continues walking until we reach the end of the safe zone.

Violet: Well, this is it. The road that way.

Violet turns to Louis.

Violet: Anything you wanna say before we go?

Louis looks at them before looking at the ground.

Louis: I've said plenty, let's go.

Louis then walks past Violet and heads back to the school.

Violet: Be safe out there, I'm sorry you couldn't stay.

Clem: Me too.

YN: So long.

Violet nods at us before turning around and follows Louis. Clem, YN and AJ look at each other before walking in the opposite direction. As they walked towards the road, the wind started to get stronger.

YN: A storm is coming, we gotta move before a herd shows up.

Just then, they see someone walking in the distance with a sawed off shotgun. They take cover behind a tree and watch him.

YN: Who's that?

Clem: That's the guy we met at the train station, the one Brody was so afraid about.

AJ: Abel.

Abel makes his way towards them while looking around him, so YN takes the opportunity to sneak behind him while Clem stays where she is. Clem then charges at Abel, knocking his sawed off shotgun out of his hand and kicks him to the ground. Abel reaches for his shotgun but YN steps on his hand while pointing the blade at his neck.

Abel: Well, hey kids. It's been a while. What? 5 months, 3 days or 24 hours ago? Doesn't time fly.

Clem: Just walk away, and we'll let you go.

Just then, Clem feels a gun pointing at his head, she drops her knife and puts her hands in the air. Abel takes the chance to grab his shotgun and knock YN off balance and fall on the ground, he then points the shotgun at YN's head while the stranger kicks Clem's leg and then kicks her to the ground. AJ then runs out of cover and aim his gun at the stranger, Abel then presses the barrel of his gun against YN's face with his finger on the trigger.

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