I Love You

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YN's pov

After we got back to the school, we told Ruby and Tenn about the plan. I decided not to mention Minnie to Tenn right now, who knows what he might do.

Anyway, Ruby told us that she was going to throw a party, or as she calls it. "Whootnagey". Clem and AJ had returned to the school not long after and were told about the party, she said she was going to get the coffee heater but they've been gone for a while now. I decided to head to our room to see what's taking them so long.

AJ: Can I go patrol for a bit? Before the party?

Clem: Sure, go ahead. Be careful.

AJ then walked over to the desk and picked his revolver up before heading to the door, he pushed the door open and almost hit YN in the face. He ran past him as YN called out.

YN: Hey, AJ! Where you going?

AJ: On patrol!

YN: Okay, byeeeee.

YN looked back at me and walked into the room. He smiled at me, and I returned it, before he spoke up.

YN: What's with AJ?

Clem: He just needs some space.

YN: Oh, okay.

We smile at each other before taking a seat on the bed, we start to talk about random things before I look down at my hand and look at the ring, I stare at the orange jewel and smile. YN notices this and speaks up.

YN: So, you like the ring?

I look back at him and smile before replying.

Clem: I love it! So much! I still can't believe you proposed to me.

YN shrugs before continuing.

YN: It just felt like the right time, you know? I mean, we're about to go on this crazy rescue mission that could horribly wrong. I might have never got another chance to do it, so when I did propose. It just... felt right. You think it was the bad time?

YN frowned as he looked away from me, I sighed before placing my hand on his cheek to make him look at me and I kiss him on the lips, we pulled apart as I smiled at him.

Clem: No, it was perfect. You're perfect! I love you, YN, so much. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you and AJ, like a family, a real one.

YN smiled at me before he spoke up again.

YN: Maybe we could have a wedding? After we save everyone, it doesn't have to something big but something to remember.

My jaw dropped, I had no idea what to say right now. But I noticed YN frown which made me feel bad because he may have thought the worst of it and looked away.

YN: If you don't want to, then that's fine. I understa--

I cut him off by wrapping my arms around him, tears in my eyes as I started weeping on his shoulder. I kissed his cheek before looking at him.

Clem: Yes, it's perfect! I'd love it, I love you. Let's do it.

YN beamed at me, excitement written all over his face, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly, kissing me on the lips before I speak up.

Clem: Maybe... maybe now. We've found our home.

YN smiled at me before grabbing my left hand and starts stroking it softly.

YN: It doesn't matter where we are, because all I know is that...

YN then grabbed my other hand before speaking again.

Clementine X Male Reader Endgame Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin