Getting Acquainted And Clearing Out The Walkers

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YN's pov

I made his way towards the main gates and sees a blonde haired girl watching the walkers growling outside, I makes his way over to her and announces himself.

YN: Hello there.

???: ...Hey

YN: I'm YN.

???: ...Violet, well look over there. I wonder what drew them over here? Maybe an explosion or a car crash? Hmm, what do you think?

YN: Very funny, weren't our fault we crashed. It wasn't on purpos--

Violet: Your the one who crashed the car.

YN: ...*shrugs in agreement* Yep.

Before the conversation could continue any further, Marlon, Louis, Clem and AJ made their way towards us. Marlon was still calling out for Rosie, who clearly hadn't been found.

Marlon: Rosie?! Where the hell is she? Hey Lou, you give her weapon back to her?

Clem then pulls out her knife.

Marlon: Good, we gonna need you to put it to some use. Think you guys can handle it?

Clem and I both nod.

Louis: Look how many there are.

Violet: It's almost like something drew them over here, I don't know. Maybe an explosion or a car crash.

Marlon: Vi...

Violet: What, I'm just saying.

Clem: I don't think we've met, I'm Clementine.

Violet: I know, your little boy won't stop talking about the both of you.

Clem stares at Violet until Louis clears his throat

Louis: Hi Clementine, I'm Violet. Nice to meet you.

Violet: What he said.

???: Alright boys and girls. They're starting to fill in!

Violet: Let's go.

Marlon: Stay safe, okay?

Violet and Marlon both run off outside the gates.

Louis: Don't worry about Violet, she grows on you. I promise.

Louis then puts a chair leg on his shoulder and Clem and I stare at it.

Louis: What this, it's a chair leg. I call it "Chairles"

Louis winks at us before walking out of the gate, Clem and I look at each other in confusion before joining them. The gate closes with AJ still inside.

AJ: Clem, YN. I wanna help.

YN: Keep an eye out for any walkers for us. Okay Scout?

AJ: (fowns) Okay.

Clem: Don't worry, we'll be fine. Besides, we have you watching over us.

Clem smiles at AJ while pinching his cheek then we turn around and catch up with the others.


We make our way outside the gate towards the walkers, I see 5 walkers in my direction so I make my towards them. I kicked the walker in leg, making it drop to its knees and uppercut the walker with my knife stabbing it and killing it. I spin my knife around so I was holding it with the blade beneath my hand, I then do the same knee technique to the next walker and stab the walker on the top of the head before making my way to the next walker. I repeat the technique a third time but this time stab the walker through the side of its head. I then see two walkers in sync with each other making their way towards me so I keep my knife in the walker's head before spinning it around and throwing it at the two walkers, they both fall over so I take the opportunity to grab a rock and bashing one walker's head in while stabbing the other walkers in the head.

AJ: YN! In front of you!

I look up and see one more walker in front of me so i flip over the rock in my hand to get a better throw before throwing it at the walker's head and killing it instantly. I look behind me and look at all the corpses lying on the ground and smile to myself.

YN: Damn, I'm good.

Louis: Hey guys! Take a look at this.

We all turn our attention to Louis who was calling a walker over to himself and then cuts a rope tied to a tree with his knife, I look up and see a huge boulder drop on the walker and crushing it instantly.

Louis: The whole area is set up with traps, go wild on them.

I look at one tree and see another boulder hanging above some walker so I run towards them and kick their legs, dropping them instantly before taking my knife and cutting the rope and the boulder then drops on top of the walkers.

I turn around and see Violet talking to Clem before she runs off to deal with more walkers. I turn my attention back to some more walkers and see 7 of them heading towards me, I manage to take out 3 of them before the rest get dangerously close to me. I backed up into a tree with no where else to go and thought it was all over for me, then out of the blue an American Pitbull Terrier charges at a walker knocking it to the ground and eating its head. I look in shock at the dog before smiling.


I then take out one of the walkers while Marlon kills one with his bow and arrow and Clem kills the other one with her knife. When the walkers were taken care of, I see another red haired girl with a torch in one hand and a squirrel in her other hand, another tall guy with another torch in his hand and a rabbit in his other hand and a guy with with another bow and arrow.

Violet: Nice timing, we're not gonna hold off these walkers any longer.

???: No kidding. where did all these walkers come from?

Marlon: We can talk when we get back inside the gates, keep an eye out for stragglers.

We turn around and head back to the school with an eye out for any approaching walkers, I hear something behind me and see Rosie coming up towards me. I smile and crouch down to her and stick my hand out for her to get familiar with my scent.

YN: Here girl.

Rosie sniffs my palm before licking it and stroking her forehead against it. I smile and rub her head and scratch her ear.

YN: Good girl.

Marlon: I see Roise likes you, that's good.

YN: It that unusual?

Marlon: Normally when we meet new people, she's very skeptical around them.

YN: We're not the first people you've let in?

Marlon: You ask a lot of questions. You know that right?

YN: I'm a curious guy, especially when meeting new people.

Marlon: Hmm, anyway. New people who did find this place either died or left us after a while. Guess they didn't appreciate that we gave them a home.

YN: Sure, I get it.

Marlon: We can talk about this later, let's just get back to the school.

I stand back up and head towards the school with Roise by my side.

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