Party Time

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Clem and AJ walk into the piano room with the coffee brewer and see YN working on the old gramophone and Tenn placing some candles in a jar on a table. Ruby walks up to Clem and AJ as she hands the coffee brewer over.

Clem: Looks like things are coming together.

Ruby: Eh, we still need to figure out lighting, music and... something to write on that banner.

Clem turns and looks at the banner before speaking.

Clem: If we're gonna die, we should have some fun first.

AJ: Music? But Louis isn't here.

YN smiles at AJ before pointing out the gramophone.

YN: See that? It's like Louis in a box. Come on, Scout. I'll show you how it works.

Clem smiles at the two as she walks over to the gramophone, Ruby follows and speaks up.

Ruby: Pulled out the old headmaster's gramophone so we could play some records. Not much of a selection, but it'll do. Just tell me what you want to listen to.

Clem: You guys have any classicals?

Ruby: You bet.

Clem smiles at Ruby as she pulls out a classical record and hands it to YN before walking away.

YN: So you take this record and put it on here, then you turn that crank on the side.

AJ: And now it plays music?

YN: You bet. Cool?

AJ: So cool.

Clem smiles at the two most important people in her life bonding before walking over to the candles, Ruby walks back to her and speaks up.

Ruby: Wouldn't be a party without some kind of mood lighting. I've been going back and forth between colours for ages. Green's calming, but purple might be nice.

Clem: How about... Y/F/C.

Clem looks over at YN and grins at him as he looks back, with a smile on his face.

YN: Aww, you remembered that's my favourite colour.

Clem: How could I forget. You didn't stop reminding me when we were little.

YN then lifts his hand up and does the fingerbang emote.

YN: Touché.

Ruby: Y/F/C, huh? I'll make it happen.

Clem smiled at YN as he turned his attention back to the gramophone with AJ. She then looks at the banner as she speaks up.

Clem: Are we using the banner for some kind of... party theme?

Ruby walks up next to her and speaks up.

Ruby: Not exactly, it's meant for more motivational. I'd keep it short, though. There's not as much room as you think. Something to boost confidence, you know?

Clem started to think of something but YN beat her to it.

YN: Let's write... WHATEVER IT TAKES.

Clem and Ruby looked at YN and smiled.

Ruby: Nice, we'll have Tenn break out his paintbrush and write it out.

Clem smiled before the sound of a gramophone start playing classical music.


She looked over and sees YN perk up and walks to the centre of the room.

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