Done Running

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26th March 2019

It's been a while since I've written in this journal, haven't had the time to be honest. It's been a hell of a ride these past few days and to this day I still can't believe we survived it all. We've lost people, good people. We've lost friends, we've lost family and we've lost a part of ourselves. But we did it, we survived, we've overcome all these problems and moved on. We are now rebuilding our home and honouring those who have fallen. But let's go back to the beginning, where it all started.

Y/N's pov

I was driving down the open road with the sunset in front of me with Clementine reading a magazine in the passenger seat and AJ in the backseat messing around with his revolver. Clem looks at the rear view mirror in AJ's direction.

Clem: "What you doing there goofball?"

I smile at the nickname, even after all these years, that nickname still sounds cute. If only AJ felt the same way since he's constantly saying he's 'too old' for goofball.

AJ: "Pretending we have bullets."

AJ says as he spins the cylinder and puts back in the gun.

Y/N: "Well don't, it's getting on my nerves."

I was starting to get frustrated at the sound the cylinder makes everytime AJ spins it.

I could feel AJ's glare burning the back of my head, sometimes that boy scares me but I still love him like a son. It was all quiet again until I heard AJ's stomach growling so Clem hands him a bag of crips.

AJ: "What about you guy, you need to eat too."

Y/N: "Nah don't worry buddy, we'll be fine. Plus we need our little owl to scout out for walkers on a full stomach huh."

Clem: "We'll find something better AJ, we have to."

AJ: "I believe you."

We continue down the road for a while until we come across an train station, it looked old and abandoned but there were some walkers nearby. I stepped out of the car and scouted the area around me and notice that there were only a few walkers in the forest, they shouldn't be a problem them for now. I poke my head back in the car and tell Clem and aj that it's safe to come out now, they step out of the car and Clem hands AJ a small knife while I open the car boot. I open it up and take out a canteen and take a swig of water before handing it to Clem and AJ, who smile at me, I turn back to the boot and take out my trusty axe.

To be honest this axe has seen better days, it's got crack on the handle and the blade and was really dirty

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

To be honest this axe has seen better days, it's got crack on the handle and the blade and was really dirty. But it still hasn't let me down yet and hopefully it won't now. I put my axe on the holster on my back then close up the boot and turn to Clem and AJ.

Y/N: "Ready?"

Clem/AJ: "Ready."

I nod at them before turning around and slowly start making my way towards the walkers. Before I could go any further, AJ whispers to us.

AJ: "Guys look."

AJ points to a bell with a sign next to it saying "FREE FOOD INSIDE. COME ON INNNNNNN."

Clem: "Good one AJ."

Y/N: "Not bad Scout."

Y/N says as he ruffles AJ's hair.

AJ: "Should we ring it?"

Clem"It will bring the walkers out here--"

Y/N: "--Giving us time to get in there, get what we need and get back to the car."

Clem: "Okay, let's do it."

Clem rings the bell and soon walkers from the train station start to head our direction. We take out the walkers one by one until there are none left. We open the door and find a walker couple tied up around their chairs with a note on the floor, the notes says "Please leave us alone, this is what we wanted." We decided to honor their wishes despite AJ saying that we should kill them, so we sent AJ inside the ticket booth to open the door. He opens it and shows a hatch with loads of food in there but just before we were about to get some food, a grenade get thrown in front of us.

Y/N: "It's a trap!"

I shut the hatch and jump on Clem and AJ, pushing them out of the way of the explosion. Unfortunately the explosion left me deaf and dazed for a while, when I come around I saw walkers heading our way, we run out the door and start the kill the walkers. I run and jump on a rock then leap into the air and bring my axe down on a walker, I spun in a circle and slice off two walker heads in the process. When we saw an opening we ran to the car and got inside but the walkers were all around us, I managed to get the car started but a walker managed to get in our path. The walker was blocking our view so I turned the wheel to the left and got the walker out of the way. But before I could react we crashed into a tree, the car toppled over a few times before coming to a complete stop upside down. I was blanking out a couple of times and saw someone taking Clem and AJ away, I reach my hand out but couldn't reach them.

Y/N: "Don't... Take them..

I managed to speak out before blacking out.

Clementine X Male Reader Endgame Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum