A Good Job

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*Two weeks later*

I stand on the rocks that Violet taught Clem and I how to do spear fishing as I grip the spear and keeping an eye out for some fish, one fish eventually swims by as I line up my shot and stab it before lifting it out of the water.

"Ha, gotcha!" I say happily and place it in the bucket along with the rest of the fishes I caught, Rosie then sniffed inside the bucket then looked up at me and started barking. I smile at her as I place the spear on the ground and start scratching her.

"Who's a good girl? Who's a good girl? It's you, Rosie." I say happily before picking up the spear and sigh. "Goodest girl in the world." I say quietly before scratching the top of Rosie's head again. "Alright, girl. I'm gonna go put the spear away. Stay here and keep watch." I say and walk towards the shack.

Once inside, I walked past the broken tub until I placed the spear back where it originally was before turning back around, but something caught my eye on my left. The old V+M inside a love heart carved on the wall, I walk up to it and frown before pulling out my knife and scratch out the heart until there was nothing left.

"Monster..." I say quietly before I walk outside the shack, I notice Rosie barking at something around the corner before she charges toward it. "Rosie!" I call out but she doesn't listen so I pull my knife out and run down the stairs but stop once I see... Tenn? His face, hands and clothes were covered in dried mud as he scratches Rosie, who in return was licking her face.

"There there, I know. I know." Tenn says reassuringly before he stands up and looks me in the eyes, Rosie then runs off and leaves Tenn and I by ourselves. "Hey, AJ." He says with a frown on his face as I look at the ground before looking back up.

"Hey." I reply back. "Everyone thought you died. Because, you know, you're you." I memtion as Tenn fiddle with his fingers then walked closer to me.

"No, I'm okay." He says with a frown on his face before stopping right in front of me.

"Good." I say back as his eyes go wide and jaw drop, probably confused by why I said that, his mouth then forms a smile as he crouched down and hugged me. I was hesistant at first before i wrap my arms around him, hugging him back.

"I'm sorry about Y/N." He says, breaking the silence. I close my eyes tight and grit my teeth, doing my best not to let tears fall at the mention of dad's name. "I'm... I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, or Clem." He then looks away and stares at the ground. "I'm sorry." His voice sounded like he was going to cry. "I don't know why I mess up all the time." He says as he closes his eyes in shame.

"No, you loved your sister so much you let her mess with your head. She probably was different before and that's all you could remember and so you made a mistake." I say, hoping it would make him feel better.

"You're just being nice to me." He replies, unconvinced by my words as I cross my arms and look at the ground next to him.

"I mean it. It's... it's okay what you did because of all that. But... I don't think da... Y/N would be mad at you." I tell him as Tenn looks up at me.

"Really?" He questions as I crouch down next to him.

"Of course, Y/N wouldn't blame you for trusting Minnie. Sure, she did evil things but you still loved her none the less and had hoped she would be... normal again. She was family, we're your family. I'm your family." I tell him as he continues looking at me, listening to my words. "Y/N once told me that a good man once said to him... 'Family is what you make.' He was right." I finishes with as Tenn stands back up and looks at me.

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