Hey Sweet Pea...

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Clementine looks around and notices she on the train YN, herself, Lee and the others were on when they went to Savannah. Just then, a man walks into the freighter and sits down beside her.

???: Hey sweet pea...

Clem looks to her left and responds to the man.

Clem: Lee?

Lee looks back at Clem and smiles before looking around the freighter.

Lee: Why the train? You always pick the train.

Clem: I'm not too sure, maybe because this is where it all started. Where you and YN taught me how to shoot, cut my hair and to be ready for anything.

Lee: Yeah, you were a quick study. You and YN, granted he already knew how to shoot already but... it was nice, to teach you too.

Both Lee and Clem fall silent before he speaks up.

Lee: What's on your mind this time?

Clem looks at the moving ground before speaking.

Clem: I'm scared, Lee. They're all depending on me and YN, and I'm not sure that what I'm doing is right.

Lee: Oh, I know that feeling. You know I was making it all up as I went along, right? Couldn't let on, of course. With you and YN being so little.

Clem: I never noticed. It just felt like you always knew the right thing to do.

Lee: Yeah, well, I got lucky. Luck counts for a lot.

Clem smiles at Lee before looking back at the passing trees and frowns.

Clem: I'm going to need some now.

Lee: You wanna tell me about what you're up against?

Clem: Me, YN and AJ are with a new group now. And I've been in... so many... and they always fall apart,but I really like this one. It's... different. It almost feels like home.

Lee: That's a good thing. It's hard being alone out there.

Clem: But we're in trouble. Some bad people captured my friends, and getting them back might get the rest of us killed.

Clem looks at the ground and closes her eyes, Lee thinks for a moment before smiling and looking back at Clem.

Lee: I'm not worried.

Clem looks back at Lee, with a confused expression on his face, before replying.

Clem: What?

Lee: Whatever trouble you're in, you'll get out of it. You'll get your friends out of it.

Clem: You don't know that.

Lee: I know you're a survivor, YN and AJ as well. The Clementine I know is gonna fix it. I really believe that.

Clem smiles before she replies.

Clem: Yeah, I made it this far, didn't I?

Lee: You sure did. When a lot of other people couldn't. Never give in, Clem. Imagine what Louis and Violet are gonna say when they see your face. Your friends are gonna have hope again, knowing you came to rescue them.

Clem sighs and looks away while Lee sits up and looks out into the trees.

Lee: Aw, sweet pea. You know you always get like this before something big. Remember how scared you and YN were before you two charged into that mess at McCarrol Ranch? You two survived that, didn't you?

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