fifty one - Wings of Fire

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Luna POV:

"Are you sure they're fine?" said Moon. She was doing this weird thing where she held a jewel up to her head and spoke to apparently no one. She tried to explain to Luna how she was actually talking to the Queen of the RainWings, but Luna can't wrap her mind around it. Because that queen was halfway across the continent, and here Moon was, pretending to talk to her.

Although Luna won't believe her (it was plain silly) Moon told her that she was asking Glory whether or not the elves were finished. They had been gone for a week now and Moon was beginning to worry. Luna and Io had offered to go to the rainforest to find them, since they weren't really doing anything besides help the other SilkWings create their cocoon home.

"I think we should find them. Do you know where they went?" Moon asked the air again. Luna sighed. This imaginary conversation had been going on for at least half the afternoon. It was tiring, really. "Okay. Okay. Yes, maybe you should send some dragons. Luna and Io . . . no, they're just . . . they want to help. And perhaps the RainWings and NightWings would like to meet dragons from the lost continent? I don't know."

Another pause. Moon's brow furrowed. "It's just, I can see that something weird and possible bad happened. I don't want anything to happen to Kinkajou . . . or the elves," she added quickly. "Okay, they'll come over. Bye, Your Majesty. Thanks you," Moon opened her eyes and spotted Luna, who was sitting (perhaps not as patiently as she wanted to) on a palm leaf bed beside hers. 

"Oh, were you waiting? Sorry. Glory said you and Io could come. Do you want to bring Sundew or someone? Who knows how to navigate a rainforest?" Moon asked.

"Sundew?" Luna hadn't thought of how they were going to move around the forest. "I thought we could just fly,"

"Yeah, but you know, the vines and branches and spiderwebs and all . . ." Moon trailed off.

"Okay, sure, yeah, Io!" she yelled, and the purple dragon's head snapped up from where she was napping in surprise, bonking the table in a way that looked rather painful.

"What?" she asked, rubbing sleep from her eyes. "You interrupted my beauty sleep!" she protested when Luna dragged her outside to find Sundew.

"We're going to the rainforest now, sleepy head. Sundew's helping us. With her magical powers and all, you know." Luna explained.

"They are NOT magical powers!" Sundew said, stomping towards them. 

"Okay! Sundew is here! Let's go!" Luna leapt into the air, beating her wings to get ahead of everyone. Except for the fact she had no idea where to go. It wasn't like she memorized a map of Pyrrhia. 

So that's why they spent the next three days finding the rainforest, before getting to the RainWing village the morning of the fourth day.

"There you are!" said a voice. Luna, Swordtail and Sundew glanced around, Sundew the most vigorously. There was only a black dragon (perhaps a NightWing. He looked like Moon) standing on the platform, a small smirk on his face. But the voice was female. Not him, then.

"I already sent a search party. Kinkajou didn't tell me where they were going, so you'll have to find her the old-fashioned way." A majestic-looking blue dragon with yellow swirls appeared beside the black dragon, making Luna and Io yelp. Sundew, however, was somehow immune to RainWing sneak appearances and barely batted an eye.

"Were you guys seriously surprised? We had one of them RIGHT THERE at Jerboa's hut and you never realized they could camouflage?" Sundew sighed as if Luna and Io were complete idiots.

"In my defense," said Io, "I just arrived about a week ago."

 "So." The Queen of the RainWings (and NightWings, Luna supposed) cleared her throat, "I heard one of you have a magical power—"

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