forty eight - KOTLC

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Biana POV:

Biana squinted in the blazing desert sun. The army that was approaching . . . certainly didn't look like an army.

In fact, instead of the yellow, orange and black scales that HiveWings sported, it seemed that these dragons . . . were colourful.

Like as in rainbow-colored. But HiveWings weren't multicolored, right?

And if that wasn't weird enough, it seemed these dragons were dragging rafts in the water, with lumps that seemed suspiciously like dragons too.


But . . . Wait.

Biana squinted again, and she could just make out the face of one of the dragons. She, surprisingly, looked just like Swordtail.

And Swordtail said he had a sister. Who was definitely not a HiveWing.

So did that mean that the army was . . . An army of SilkWings?

"Here they come!" a LeafWing cried, just as Biana cried, "No! Wait!" 

Everyone turned to look at her. "Hurry, they're coming!" someone said. 

"No! It's the SilkWings!" Biana said. 

Everyone glanced at the sea, and seemingly for the first time noticing that the dragons they were about to battle weren't HiveWings. 

"Io!" Luna cried. 

"Luna?" the female SilkWing Biana had spotted called back. "Is that really you?"

"Io!" Luna cried happily. "You're here!" 

"Yeah!" Io said. "We had to escape form Wasp."

The LeafWings settled down, heading for the cave to prepare room for the new dragons. Biana ran over to the SilkWings just as they landed, followed by Sophie, Fitz, Marella, Dex and Maruca.

". . . I gathered all the Chrysalis dragons, and they got most of the SilkWings out. Wasp noticed us, and it was mind-controlled HiveWings all over the place. Not everyone made it out. I should have tried harder," Io said sadly, lowering her head. 

"Hey, you did your best! Look, you've saved probably most of the dragons from all the Hives. You should be proud of yourself!" Luna tried to cheer her up.

"But still! Now those SilkWings might as well become SilkWing zombies for Wasp!" Io said.

"Well," Luna said. "We'll just have to get them back! Like we need to get Blue and Swordtail back," she added softly.

"Blue?" Sophie asked.

"My brother," Luna said.

"I'm sorry," Biana said quietly. "Should we help you guys get settled in?"

"No space in the cave!" shouted a LeaWing coming towards them. Biana realized it was Mandrake. "We need to find another shelter." he added.

"What?" Luna asked. "No more space? How many LeafWings are there?"

"Less than the SilkWings, mind you. But we can only fit a about a hundred more SilkWings in there," Mandrake guessed. "Maybe we can build a makeshift village?"

"We can make a silk sort of roof near the cave, maybe. Perhaps it can be like a cocoon, but larger for all of us?" a SilkWing suggested.

"We can do that," Luna said slowly. "Maybe next to the cave, so it's near Jerboa's hut too,"

"How . . . where does all the silk come from?" Biana asked curiously. "How would you find enough to make a cocoon to live in?"

"Us, of course!" the SilkWing smiled a crooked smile.

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