Leave her Smith, before I make you

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I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down, I cannot sit inside this car forever, school is about to start and I would have to go inside nonetheless. So stop hyperventilating Nandani Moorthy and let's get going. Crap I am calling myself with my full name. See how disastrous the situation is. Like every other high school gossip travels fast in Whitfield high and considering the fact that almost all seniors were present in that party, I know my breakup news would be the fresh topic in school today.

I so wanted to skip school today but couldn't, I didn't wanted to appear weak because I don't mourn over my breakup. Yes I was upset not because me and Jacob break up but instead of talking with me and choosing out a right path, he chose to cheat on me and that hurts. I didn't deserve this.
Okay Nanz let's just get over with this.

I came out of the car after locking it and moved towards my class hurriedly, well I guess I am late because there were not much people on the hallway. I took a breath of relief and without looking here and there entered my  first class AP chemistry, Ms. Jenkins wasn't there thank goodness..

"You are late today.." Isabelle looked me up and down trying to make sure I am okay and I smiled to decrease her worry a bit.. "No I am not Ms. Jenkins is still not here.." I turned around saying Hi to Rosen and Manik who had his head down on table and probably was asleep..
"Ouch what the hell.." I slapped his head to wake him up and he gave me his famous death glare which I royally ignored.. "Hello to you too Manik.." Rosen and Belle snickered and he just scoffed.. angry Malhotra huunn...

The time flew pretty quick and it was time for English. I groaned, I have to see Jacob now which I really don't want to. And oh no Manik is too in same class, I hope he didn't end up killing Jacob. Help me Aiyappa, please let this class slide without shedding of any blood.. I entered inside and my eyes met with Jacob's, he look at me and then remove his stuff from the other seat to empty it. Wow seriously he really think I am gonna sit with him. His eyes hold hope and I don't feel even remotely bad for crushing that hope.

"Over here Princess.." I heard Caleb's voice, I looked for him and there he is sitting in the last row. I smiled and without sparing a second glance to Jacob, took a seat beside Caleb..
"You doing good Princess?" I gave him my million dollar smile, "pretty much Caleb.." And he beamed at my response. In no time one more figure slouched in the seat next to me and again I am trapped between two handsome devils. And one thing was sure now that for rest of the year I am going to be sitting in between these two idiots for 2 lectures now.

Manik's head dropped on my shoulder and I sighed. My gaze fell on Jacob and he is looking here only, more of shooting daggers at Manik, who oblivious to the world was snoring lightly. I smiled at him, the way he took care of me Saturday night, I can't forget. And yesterday when all 4 of them were trying to do anything just to see me laugh. Aiyappa how did I get so lucky to have all of them in my life..

"Wake up Manik sir is here.." I whispered shouted in his ear but he didn't budge. I don't want him to get caught sleeping in class. So I swiftly pinched him on the cheek and the idiot woke up shouting in pain. Turning everyone's eyes on us.
"What the hell is going on there?" I hear the dead panned voice of my teacher, "I think an ant just bit me, I am sorry for disturbing your class sir please carry on.." He gave one more pointed look to both of us but then turned around. I look at Manik who was glaring at me and then he gave me his best fake smile, next minute I knew, I am trying to muffle my scream because of the pain in my wrist.

The jerk pinched me, next to me was Caleb who is almost on the verge of falling down from his seat as he is laughing hysterically putting a hand on his mouth so not let the teacher hear him. I look back at Manik, "I so hate you Malhotra.." and he smirked, the jerk has the nerve to do that, "feelings are mutual Moorthy.."

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