What now cat got your tongue Sugar?

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Days were passing by quick and Winter formal was coming nearer. My nerves were on fire. Manik made me practice everyday with him and I would admit that his attempts are working. Yes after that beach incident I have sang twice in public. But the point is everytime it was with Manik. When it comes to my solo performance, I freeze up.

He was trying hard to work on me but nothing helps. I am such a disappointment I know that. My mood turned sour instantly and my head drops low. "What's wrong Sugar?"  Manik looked at me with concerned fill eyes.
I am in his room doing some homework on Friday night. Yeah depressing I know. Caleb had some family thing to do and Rosen had taken Isablle out to ask her to be his date for winter formal. So that left Manik and I. So we decided to hang out here.

"The formal is just in a week Manik and you gyz have tried everything but I still can't sing. Sure I am singing with you but what if I couldn't sing at that moment. I don't want to let you down. I will hate myself for life Manik.." my voice became hoarse and tears welled up in my eyes. "Hey, hey there Sugar Calm down.." He sit straight and pulled me down on his lap. Don't know why he do this everytime but am I complaining, no not at all..

"Look at me Nandani.." he push my chin up and forced me to look into his eyes. Damn, why do this guy have the prettiest eyes. Like seriously I am slightly obsessed with them. "Manik if I won't be able to perform, will you hate me?
Will you leave me and will break this friendship?" I asked with a slight fear in my eyes. I can't afford to loose him. No Aiyappa please don't separate us.

Manik smiled warmly at me pulling me close, "you know you are too cute.." I glare at him and he smiled sheepishly. "Okay, okay just listen to me loud and clear okay. No matter whatever happens, Nothing can break our friendship. Nandani Moorthy and Manik Malhotra are their forever. Got it.." I look at him in a daze, "promise" I raised my pinkie and without another thought he connected his pinkie with mine, "Nandani promise.."

"Okay now tell me, why you can't sing alone and when you are just fine singing with me. Remember last week in that restaurant. You sang with me when there were so many people.." I smiled at the memory it was the best night, we five had so much fun and than suddenly Manik took us to this restaurant, where they were having a karaoke night. But unexpectedly I sang with Manik and had a time of my life.

"It's because I sing with you Manik. That's make all the difference. Whenever we sing, I focus on you and just you. So maybe that's why I didn't hyperventilate and sing with ease. But for the solo performance. I would be alone Manik. You wouldn't be there.."
He cupped my cheeks and look directly in my eyes, "Then who said I wouldn't be there Sugar, I will be right in front of you I promise. You just focus on me forgetting everyone around. Just look at me and sing okay and I know you will rock it. I know it.."

I look at him and then burst out laughing leaving him confused.. "you are so full of yourself Malhotra. Just look at me and sing okay, I know you will rock it.." I mimicked him and fall down on the bed laughing hard leaving a scowling Manik. My laughing fit got a brake when Manik hovered over me.. "wh..at are you doing?" I stuttered and he smirked seeing me so flustered, Jerk.

"Why did you stop, come on laugh on me Sugar.." He was practically laying on top of me making sure not to put his whole weight on me. Our faces are so close, and his blue eyes boring into mine. This guy know how to make my heart beat at a rapid rate. "What now cat got your tongue Sugar.." He rubbed his nose with mine and my breath hitched. What on earth, is  he gonna kill me or something with a heart attack.

I couldn't speak, my mind went on a vacation with my tongue to Bora Bora I guess. Oh this wasn't the time for a vacation. He nuzzled his nose in my neck and this proximity is killing me more. Come on Nandani, speak something, anything. Come on Nanz..
"Manik are you in there." I heard Diana's voice and my eyes widen, holy mother of God. So I did what I am best at and with full force push Manik, who lands on the floor.

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