Why haven't you shoo away this trash of a lady

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Rosen-Do you think she is hotter than Anniston?

Manik - Naah... I mean she is hot and all not more than Anniston of course.. I don't agree

Rosen - yeah may be but she is a great actress. You have to give that

Manik - yeah could say that.. but Anniston is so much better dude... I mean I don't think nobody else can play Rachel like she did. No offence to Courtney Cox. But Jennifer Aniston is love..

Isabelle - Are you gyz seriously discussing friends TV show here.. you both watch it.

Rosen - well Isabelle everyone does.. it's a classic..

Isabelle - I know that, I love it too but Manik you watch it like for real..

Okay this was getting out of hand.. I was trying to study some chemistry here, but these both moron, Actually 3 now were not helping at all.. the moment Ms. Jenkins turned towards the board to write something, I took this as an opportunity and with a lightening speed turned around to hit both Rosen and Manik..
"Owww what is wrong with you sugar.." he grimaced when I hit him and next was Rosen.."what Did I do."
"One more word I heard coming out from both of you I swear I will not spare you gyz.. you too Isabelle. Let me study 3 of you.." I gritted my teeth and 3 of them grinned shamelessly..
"Aww sugar wanna study hard..." I shot him a dead glare and he immediately put his finger on his mouth and that made me smile.. I turned my face immediately to avoid him.. such a baby he his.

And you know what is the strange thing that his this side is only for us.. He only speaks to 4 of us.. he only eats with 4 of us.. he only jokes with us.. for others he had this scary face on everytime he walks.. people have started getting scared of him.. He always walks with that authority.
Well to keep simple Manik Malhotra is just the typical badboy like you watch in those stupid movies.. Yes he is handsome like hell. Girls swoon over him.. he dressed like one too.. always wears leather jackets and drive a nasty bike. Lives in a mansion. That automatically make him rich...

English was another torture I got through before going to lunch. As Manik and Jacob both are in this lecture, its difficult for me to survive in their.. either they both will be shooting daggers at each other or they will be having a debate that is not healthy at all..

Things were ok between Jacob and me he stills pick me up for school and drives back but now I don't sit at his table for lunch any day. I sat at my old table with Isabelle, Rosen, Caleb and Manik.. its strange for everyone But we all were getting pretty close and I was happy..

I took my lunch and plopped down on my regular table waiting for others. "Looks like trash has finally known their place." I heard a ear piercing voice of Rosaline.. Way to ruin my day Aiyappa.. "Hey sugar how many times I have to tell you, I am a hygienic person.. why haven't you shoo away this trash of a lady.." And I couldn't help but burst out laughing hard.. I was seconds away in rolling on floor. She gave a death stare to Manik and then left from their without a second glance.. I was still not over with my laughing fit when the other 3 joined us..

Caleb - care to share the joke which had made you laugh so hard Princess..

And I repeated what happened a moment back which left all of them smiling. Even Rosen..

Nanz - Aren't you angry?

Rosen - why should I be?

Nanz - well because of the fact that she is your sister and we are making fun of her..

Rosen - she is just someone whom I share my genes with.. she isn't a sister Nanz not really..

Yeah he is right, I still can't believe Rosen and Rosaline are twins.. like they are just two different people's with different personalities...
"You really were discussing friends cast in chemistry class.." and he bobbed his head munching on his food.. this guy Eat a lot.. like a monster and I still don't know how he has managed to get such a body.. I mean just look at him.. His body screamed perfection..
"And you too think that Rachel green is hotter than Monika Geller right.." I look at him with a thoughtful expression "well does it help that I am a Phoebe buffay fan.." and his eyes grew bigger in surprise..
"Seriously she is a whacko.."
"And that's what I like about her.." He nodded his head with understanding "sounds fair a whacko liking another whacko.." he did not just say that, I slapped his head hard.. "oww you are being so violent today Sugar.. you need to control those hands lady.." I shrugged my shoulders, "And you need to control that filthy mouth of yours jerky boy.."

I was sitting in Mathematics with Manik, Caleb was running late I guess.
Manik was making an irritating noise with the pen, which I am trying hard to ignore.. the keyword here is trying, I am trying but that doesn't help. This boy surely knows how to get on my nerves.. I waited for few more seconds But he didn't stop.. so I snatched the pen from his hands making him frown..
"What the hell is wrong with you sugar.." I glare at him, "exactly my question what the hell is wrong with you, can't you sit quite for sometime.. you are driving me crazy.." and that  jerk smirked.. "well there are many other ways via which I can drive you crazy babe.." he said in a suggestive tone and I face palmed myself.

Remind me why I am putting up with him.. our banter was cut short when Caleb Jones finally blessed us with his presence.. Teacher glared at him but he hardly cares.. He plopped down beside me and just like that I am trapped in between the Whitfield high's bad boys.
"Why are you so late.." I whispered slowly.. "I was coming to class only but I ran into Bianca, so we just get down for some business.." I looked confused what sort of business he have with her and Manik snorted..
"Well what business.." He look at me strangely "well We both went to janitors closet for a quick.." he couldn't complete as Manik whispered shouted from beside me covering my ears with his hands.. "Jesus Caleb stop corrupting her.." and that moment it clicked what Caleb mean by business. He did the dirty with her and my face scrunched up with that thought.. "eww that's so gross.." Caleb grinned without any shame.."seriously you are talking like you and Jacob don't do it.." and my face warmed up at mention of my bf.. And Manik's body go stiffen.. "eww Caleb why would you say that, we haven't done anything.."
"Liar, liar pants on fire.."Caleb sing song and I don't know why I felt the need to defend myself.. I mean it was none of their business, they can think watever they want.. but I don't want them to think bad of me especially Manik..

"I am not lying Caleb, Jacob and I haven't done the deed.." and Manik's head snapped towards me, looking at me or I would say searching something in my eyes.. "you haven't.." he asked quietly and I nod my head.. I felt him getting relax instantly.. why do he care?
"Well that's strange, in a relationship with Jacob Smith for an year and he hadn't forced to do it.." and I was offended at that. "Why would he force me, he likes me.." And both of them snorted.. what the hell they don't believe me now..

"Okay change of topic Princess, what are you doing this Saturday.."
"Sleeping probably.. why though?"
I look at Caleb and he pass me his charming smile.."no you are not because we have a party to attend at Manik's house ." What Manik was having a party.. I look at him and he groaned as this was not the best topic to discuss with him..."Mr. Malhotra wanted me to make some friends in new town, so he thought throwing a party is a good idea to get known among the pals.. and just so you know you are coming, so no plans with the bed this Saturday sugar."
I thought about it and before I could question him further he cut me up, "Rosen and Isabelle's are coming too.."
Well then I guess me too.. This is weird that first time I  have a party to attend and that is not one of Jacob's or his good friends instead this time it was my friend's party.. if you can term me and him as friends.. I haven't thought about it, are we friends?

"Manik are we friends?" I asked him and he looked assumed, "well you don't think so sugar?." He questioned back and I smiled, we definitely are..
"Okay time to focus on the lecture, so both of you shutup.." I warned them and both of them groaned and then in no time two heads were dropped on my shoulders..

Caleb - I hate mathematics

Manik - I hate parties

I sighed patting both of their heads.."And I hate you both..." Which was not even remotely close to the actual truth.. I cannot hate them.. never.


Okay I hope you gyz are liking the new friend circle of Nandani.. well we have a party to prepare so please vote and comment if you want an early update because next chapter is going to be full of manan..

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