Sucking cock of your besties are your way of hanging out with them.

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I am standing outside the principle's office almost on the verge of chewing my fingers yes that tensed I am right now. Cause Manik and Jacob are inside. Somebody complained about the fight happened in the cafeteria and now they both were called inside for questioning. The design which Manik has so proudly made on Jacob's face is going to get him in trouble that thought was making me go insane.

It's all because of me, yes I am the only one to be blamed for all of this. I looked around to find Rosaline watching me with a smug smile, witch. I am supposed to be in the class right now, Manik forcefully send all of us in our respective classes, but I came back, I couldn't leave him alone right now. Not when I know I am the reason of all this. So I came back. I again looked at Rosaline and she was smiling and instantly I knew it's her doing.

"You complaint to principle about all this, didn't you?" I accused and her smirk grew Wider. Can I please kill her like I really want to so can I please. "You think he can get away after breaking the face of my best friend. I don't think so.." Seriously, I released a humourless chuckle and her brows twitched up, "Best friend, yeah of course and sucking cock of your besties are your way of hanging out with them. So what do you guyz do on sleepovers, like fuck each other?"

"You bitch, shut your dirty mouth. And you are accusing me, when you are doing probably the same with the new kid. What his cock is big enough to satisfy your needs, so you choose to suck his not Jacob's you slut.." how dare she say something like that, I am not the one who has caught cheating. she is the one to blamed not me. Before I could lunge on her and can beat the shit out of her, the door of princy's room opened and Manik came out.

"What the hell Sugar, why are you here, didn't I told you to go and attend your class.." oh not again Malhotra it's not lecture time. I ignored his questing while shooting few of mine. "What did he say? Are you in trouble, oh god did he suspended you or what?" I was almost on the verge of having a panic attack and he was smirking at me. Oh Aiyappa what is wrong with him..

"Manik speak up, will you?" I said irritated and he shook his head amusement dancing in his eyes.. "if you would just calm down and will stop with all the questions than only I will get the chance to speak sugar.." oh yes right, how dumb of you Nanz..
"I am not in trouble nothing happened inside, errr your boyfriend no Actually your ex boyfriend denied of me beating him up. He said he fall down somewhere.." and my eyes grew wide, Jacob has the chance to get back on Manik but he denied, how can that be possible, the door again opened and this time it's Jacob..

"I haven't complained about you there doesn't mean, I don't hate you anymore, I just did this because of Nanz. I know I have made a mistake Nanz and I am sorry for this, I will wait for you to forgive me and come around.." I look at him blankly, I am grateful that he saved Manik but things are never going to be same between Jacob and I and that was for sure.

"And I don't care if you have saved me today, I will still break all your bones Smith, if I ever see you hurting her again. So better to stay away from her." Manik said with a dead panned expression on his face that made Jacob back out. He looked one more time at me with a gloomy expression and than left from their with an Angry Rosaline behind. Who I guess is not so happy of setting Manik free.
"Didn't I tell everyone to attend your class and I will be fine."
"Yes you did but I don't take orders from anyone Malhotra, I do what I please so shut up.." and he just rolled his eyes, the bell goes off signalling the end of lecture and I just dragged him towards his locker where I know all our friends are going to be there to know what happened inside principle office.

And see I was right. In no time everyone came there with a gloomy expression on their face. "Okay bro shoot.." Caleb was too eager to know I guess, I looked at three of them who have different sort of expressions and with a deep breath I told them what all happened. Manik had a bore look on his face. "Seriously I can't believe Jacob did that.." Rosen said confused, well I didn't believe it either, I think that's the truth.. "I guess he was just scared of Manik, come on we all saw how he beat the shit out of him and he can't even dodge a single punch.." Caleb mused and I guess he is right.

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