First day of High School

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"Nandani, get your butt down here in next 15 minutes lady, you are running late for school.." I groaned in my pillow but didn't made any movement to get up from my dear bed.. Well we are on a date and it's rude to leave like this.

"Nandani, you really don't want to get late for first day of school and Jacob must be here in some time.." and the moment I heard his name all my sleep flew away.. I get up with a jerk and my gaze fall on the wall clock..

"Holy ship, I am so darn late for school, Jacob would be here in no time, Mum why didn't you wake me up earlier.." I shouted and I know she must be rolling her eyes right now.. Well hurry up Nanz.. I went inside the bathroom and do all the chores that every normal person do up in the morning.. I didn't took a shower as I just took one last night and honestly I didn't have time right now to take one as Jacob would be here any minute..

Yeah I know you all are wondering who is this Jacob, so FYI he is my boyfriend and I am in a very happy and lovey dovey relationship with him from past one year. He is a real sweat heart and don't even ask about his looks, just smokin hot.. And I still can't believe that he is dating me..

Yeah we are too really different people, well he is very outgoing, star of the school and a Soccer team captain.. And I am just me, you know the boring, shy and Introvert Nandani Moorthy.. Yes that's my name, I know weird right but dude I am an Indian, what do you expect.. So I prefer Nanz and everyone calls me that..

I look in the mirror and yes I have made myself presentable real quick, well I was wearing a long sleeves white sweater with a black dungaree and a black converse.. My hair was up in a ponytail and I applied a little mascara and a lip gloss and was good to go.. Yeah you got it right I hate makeup, I don't like to cake myself up to school just to impress boys.. well honestly I don't have to impress anyone because trust me Jacob was already head over heels for me.. 

"Nandani, Jacob is here.." Oops, I took my bag and made a run down the stairs..

"Easy their little chipmunk." I grinned at my Dad and stop by to kiss him in the cheek.

"Good morning Dad, Morning Mom..." I kissed her and was dashing out of the house when she got a hold of me. Handing over two Sandwiches she kissed me goodbye informing they both will be late tonight.. Yayy that means I will have the house to myself.. I smiled and run out of the door and there my Boyfriend was in his Red Bugatti.. I love his car, well my parents were rich too and I myself own a Lamborghini but I had zero knowledge about cars.. I just like the color and the texture of Jacob's one that's it..

The car gate was already opened, I passed him one of the sandwich and he grinned, dodging my bag at the back, I flash my dazzling smile at him and kiss him on the cheek..

"Ready to rock the final year of school babe.." I laughed at his enthusiasm, yes It's the first day of high school already. I can't believe we are graduating next year.. Time flew fast, I hope to make some good memories this final year.. I smiled thinking of it and in no time we reached school. well honestly school was just on the 10 minutes distance from my home..

He parked at his regular spot and I came out to see Jonathan waiting for us.. Okay so Jonathan is Jacob's best buddy but just so you know I don't like him. He is rude, weird and very perverted and I prefer to stay away from this man.. You Know there is a rumor that he has slept with half of the girls in school.. Eww just think about all the STD's he could caught or maybe have already got one. I shrugged at this dreaded thought and saw both the boys giving me a look.. I paste a fake smile on my face and they returned with what I think their real one..

"Hey Nanz, how was vacation" Jonathan asked me and I again shot him a fake smile, well I know he dislikes me but Jacob here thinks otherwise, he always want me and him to get all buddy buddy.. That seems really difficult..

"Mine was great, how was yours.." I answered his question with a question and replying to me that it went good, he got indulged in a soccer conversation with Jacob.. The gyz have a big game coming up this month and coach has really kept them on their toes. I tuned them out and looked around to see students staring me and Jacob.. Ughhh get over gyz it's a whole one year now..

Well I know these stares, some admire us, some were jealous well mostly girls, you know being the hottest guy's girl increase your enemies in the school.. And some were just confused that how a Jock and nobody like me were together..

Yeah like every other School Whitfield too run on the same panel, their were jocks, you know the sporty gyz, then their were cheerleader squad, you know the classic queen bees of school, who think they literally run the whole institution, Bad boys but their were none in our school just a one boy but I still don't know why they think him as a Bad Boy, he seems sweet to me at least. Then their were nerds, you know those typical geeky students, with good grades and zero social life.. Then there were people like me, you didn't fit in any label and just merge in the crowd.. Well who I am kidding, of course I was a hidden nerd. Look I am all A student, I don't have a huge group of friends to hang out and before Jacob happen, I never went to any parties also.. So Basically a year ago I was this basic typical nerd without any social life. But I don't have huge glasses and I don't under dress and neither over dress, I like to keep it classy and simple.

But things change the moment Jacob announced that he has lost his heart to me, People started taking interest in me, Suddenly they wanted to be my best friend.. But As I said before, I am a very shy and Introvert kind of person and I didn't do friendships. Since Kindergarten to high school I only have one best friend..

"Hey Nanz, Missed me.." Isabelle Geller my one and only best friend, I grinned at her and literally pounced on her for a hug..

"Okay Somebody really missed me a lot.." She smiled at me and then fixed her attention towards the boys, Jonathan just ignore her presence and so did she. She hate him as much as I do.. Besties for a reason you know.

"Hey Isabelle.." Jacob nod his head a bit acknowledging her with a small smile and she did the same. Well did I tell that my best Friend doesn't like my boyfriend.. Sad yeah but she at least put up with him for my sake. Such a darling she is isn't it. Isabelle was a nerd too just like me and dress too like me but the only difference was she was only shy and quiet until you are new for her but once she get comfortable, you will find a girl who seems like high on drug.. Yes this crazy!!

"Hey babe I will see you at lunch." Jacob gave a peck on my lips and left for his first class leaving a grinning Nanz behind, yep that was his effect on me.. Isabelle wiggled her eyebrows in distaste and I shrugged.. Well the sad news is that this year me and Jacob have only one class together, so that means we won't be seeing each other much at school.. I sighed closing the door of my locker.. Thank god I have first period with Isabelle, It was AP chemistry and I couldn't handle that lecture all alone.

But who the hell thought of putting It as a first period, I groaned and Isabelle patted my shoulder knowing my love for this subject.. Hehehe note the sarcasm please.

"Oh hey, I totally forgot to tell you, this morning when I went to collect my schedule you know I see this really hot guy.. I guess a new admission. trust me Nanz, I haven't seen a boy as pretty as him and the fun part is that he is.." And her remaining words were cut off by clumsy Nanz who decided to bump in a strong wall resulting in all my stuff scattering on floor. Way to be early Nanz

Oh boy wait, I don't remember seeing a wall in middle of the corridor before and on cue the wall groaned, "What the hell on Earth" I heard a deep voice and my eyes look up to find the owner of such a sexy voice I have never heard before and Oh Boy what a view.


Okay so first chapter is up and I don't know if it's upto your expectation or not but please vote and comment so I can continue this story otherwise I will drop it.. Just give me a chance and read 5-6 chapters and I am sure you all will love it, the  same way you love all other manan stories.

Happy reading and don't forget too vote and comment. be safe :)

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