2. Hope Against Hope

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February 09, 12:28 P

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February 09, 12:28 P.M.

"No! Your honor, you cannot do this!"

"—full custody goes to the father." The gavel is struck on the wooden base, and the judge delivers her final verdict.

"—This is not fair! I'm al- let me go!" The woman struggles against the grip of two men holding her back, her studded bracelets grazing their skin, faded pink hair falling over her face.

"The court is adjourned." The judge exits the place, leaving no room for any argument, not heeding the raging lady's cries. The murmurs in the courtroom cease as the audience filters out through the wooden doors behind them.

"This is not over!" The woman turns to the man sitting in the spectator area, pinning him with her furious eyes blazing with hatred in them. "You'll regret doing this to me!" She explodes, pushing the guards away and grabbing the man by his collar. "What father separates a mother from her child!"

The chocolate brown-haired male presses his lips into a thin line and takes in a deep breath, closing his eyes to avoid causing a scene in the court. He stands up and pulls his lapels from her grip, adjusting his black blazer, and walks out of the place, without a word, ignoring the profanities being thrown at him.

"Mark my words, you'll pay for this, Kim Haneul!" The last words he hears before the door closes behind him.

Haneul stands outside the court, his head tilting upwards with a thankful gesture, his lips pulled into a small smile. The breezy air of early February strikes his cheeks and nose with a light hue of pink complementing his well-defined features. A man blessed with superior genes. A face with a perfectly symmetrical bone structure and tiger-like sharp eyes enough to intimidate strangers with rosy heart-shaped lips with an identical thickness of lower and upper lips, and a straight nose.

The curve on Haneul's mouth dies out as he recalls all that he has been through in the past years. The last few months have been especially draining as fighting for full custody of his child was not easy. He always wanted a perfect family, but now he is divorced and is a single father. Occurrences like these don't surprise him anymore, by now he is familiar with the ache of losing people.

Shin Naeun, his ex-wife, had been a cornerstone for him in the time they dated and in the early years of their marriage until everything fell apart in leaps and bounds, their home came crashing down with brewing pressure and problems between them. They weren't happy anymore. Trying was useless as they wanted different things and separating was their only option, even if it meant ridding their child of one of the parents.

Before unending thoughts could take over, the doctor slaps his palms against his cheeks with a huff, willing the negativity away and focusing on newfound happiness seeping its way into his mind, knowing it's the last day his presence at the court is required. He puts on a pair of Gucci shades, runs a hand through his fluffy locks, and walks off to his car, ready to start a new chapter in life once again.

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