20. Dealing with Devils

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22 August, 9:49 P

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22 August, 9:49 P.M.

Dae Ho checks himself out in the full-body mirror. He slides a finger under the collar of his black turtleneck sweater, tugging at it. He trimmed his hair and shaven the stubble he's been sporting for two weeks. The fighter reaches out for the charcoal blazer hanging on the peg beside the mirror and tucks his sweater into his dress pants. Finally, he completes the look by pinning a golden crown brooch to the blazer's breast pocket. Satisfied with the way he looks, Dae Ho sprays cologne all over him.

He stares at himself, feeling out of place and uneasiness brewing in his gut. The last time he probably had worn something similar to his current outfit was at the company dinner party hosted by Stoned Beauty, his modeling agency.  It was years ago, right before his life went to hell. Dae Ho snorts mirthlessly, donning expensive clothes and perfume while styling his hair does nothing to mask the ugliness of his soul. Nor did it wipe the blood of others off his hands. But it is of no importance who he is since the place he will soon be in would be crawling with monsters such as him.

"I must say, you haven't lost your touch as a model." Choi Yoon grins waving a golden shimmery mask embedded with stones around its eyes and three feathers stuck to one of its corners. "You'll have to wear this. I've already given one to ChangMin-ssi."

On cue, Shadow enters, wearing an all-white suit, and a black mask over the upper part of his face. "Can't I just go in jeans and a shirt?" The smaller man complains with a scowl.

"Come on old man, it's a luxurious party. You cannot go in looking like a tramp."

"Then let me be the waiter instead. You can wear this suit." ChangMin points at the uniform Pandora is wearing.

Yoon chuckles with a glint. "Not happening."

"Stop arguing and let's get over with this." Dae Ho announces moving to the main door. "Be careful and try not to piss anyone off, we don't know who we're going to encounter."

"Yes, boss!" Choi Yoon throws him a salute.

They leave the apartment and get into two cars, Pandora in his own, Shadow and Dae Ho in the back of a rented Mercedes Benz, driven by a hired driver.

"Do you have the invitations? And are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes." Dae Ho nods, patting his blazer's inside pocket to feel the cards in it. He settles comfortably in the seat, taking a deep breath. "And a piece of advice, if anything seems suspicious or out of hand, take Yoon and leave immediately."

"What about you?" ChangMin's feline eyes bore into the younger's, his jaw set stiffly.

"I'm not getting out of there until I have what I want."

"Even at the cost of your life?"

"Yes," Dae Ho answers firmly. It's been years and he would be a fool to let go of a chance like this to catch Vee. "But you have family waiting for you."

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