15. Living a White Lie

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26 July, 4:41 P

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26 July, 4:41 P.M.

The staff of Asclepius, or a serpent coiled around a stick, symbolizes healing and medicine. A Greek symbol that is still used in the modern world to represent medicine. Hospitals and pharmacies around the world use the character as their logo.

Dae Ho is splayed on the couch, scanning details on the paper in his hand. His eyes are prickly and his head heavy, not having been sleeping for a whole thirty hours. It isn't unusual for the ex-model to spend sleepless days but the action takes a toll on his body, not to mention his drinking habits add to his deteriorating state.

Tapping his head lightly on the backrest of the couch, the fighter closes his eyes for a few minutes, body relaxing and head lulling to the side. He sighs, feeling the heaviness wearing him down and before he knows it, he's dozing off.

Dae Ho stands in the middle of a void, darkness shrouding him with a pin-drop silence. He looks around in an attempt to spot anyone. And he does find one, a girl sitting with her head cradled between her knees, soft whimpers escaping her lips. He approaches her and bends down to place a hand on her shoulder. The girl looks up with hollow sockets with nothing in them, a bullet wound on the side of her head that gives a glimpse of her brain from the inside. She's bleeding, the red liquid staining her frock and bloody fingers scratching at the bullet wound. The grotesque sight has Dae Ho's stomach churning, his feet staggering as he takes a step back.

"You murderer!" The girl screams, standing up and pushing Dae Ho away. "I'll never forgive you! It's all your fault!"

The fighter stumbles and catches himself before falling and then collides with another body behind him. He turns to a man with crimson eyes, a knife stuck in his torso. He has a sinister smile creeping up his face. He pulls the blade out in one go, blood splattering on Dae Ho. "You deserve to die!" He swings the knife at him, making cuts on Dae Ho's arms. He hisses at the splitting skin, holding the area to stop the bleeding but the blood still flows making Dae Ho weak. With every passing moment, he feels life draining out of him.

Not long after, bodies walking like zombies and gurgling incoherent words start walking toward him. He runs clutching his arm, but the distance between them shrinks. His legs move fast but he remains in the same spot. The moser he struggles, the closer they get. No matter how much he tries, he doesn't move from his spot.

"Karma will get you." He hears the people say when they draw in.


Dae Ho hyperventilates as his skin flushes, and he desperately holds his knees to stabilize himself.  "Stop," he whispers, "just stop...please."

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