14. Altruistic Innocence

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"Let me do the honor of cracking this guy's skull

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"Let me do the honor of cracking this guy's skull." The man with fiery red hair announces as he walks forward. He swings a punch and Haneul brings his arms together to protect his face. "You can't take all of us on alone." He delivers a blow to the doctor's stomach with a crack of his knuckles.

Haneul coils, fingers clutching the area. There's no time. He unwinds his wrist and lands a punch to the man's jaw, walloping a kick in his chest. His eyes wander to the men enjoying the spar, sloppy grins plastered over their faces.

"This is so boring," the burly one with chest hair grouses, scratching his neck. "Let me join." He charges toward Haneul with loud steps, stopping only when he slams the doctor into the wall, choking him and socking his face with his fist.

"Uh—ugh!" The chaebol's back burns, his fingers digging into the man's wrist, trying to pry it away. He now sports a reddish-purple bruise on his cheekbone and a busted lip with the taste of metal filling his mouth. Haneul's hands crawl up to grip the man's shoulder and apply force, giving a hard kick with his shoe heel on his side, throwing the guy off of him. He wastes no time in running away but the man on the ground gets a hold of his ankle. The doctor slips on the graphite and is dragged, his hands scraping, minuscule droplets of blood surfacing. "Let me go!" Haneul kicks him in the face. He sprints up, wincing at the burning sensation of the torn skin on his hands.

"Didn't think you could put up such a fight," the man wearing a thick gold chain muses. "But now let's wrap this up." He takes a few steps closer and Haneul moves further away, only to have his back collide with the end of the alley.

"You can't escape anymore." The three thugs crow, intimidating the doctor but he still stands his ground. He's glad at least one of them is lying unconscious. But in all honesty, he's scared,  not for himself, but for his daughter. He only prays she found a good spot to hide.

"Never show your opponent you're faltering."

Haneul chuckles, his busted lips tugging upwards. "You think attacking a lone man in a group is courageous? Tch, such a lot of useless fools." He jumps forward, swinging punches in the air, hoping to find an opening. He needs to leave before he is injured any further. His elbow jabs the bald man's jaw and he whacks him between his thighs.

"Shit!" He cries rolling on the asphalt in pain. "I'll kill you!"

An object hammers Haneul from behind, the doctor plunging to his knees. "Ah—urghh!" He groans turning to defend himself. He grabs a few pebbles along with some sand and throws them at his assailant, moving back, and then places his palms flat on the ground, docking a low calf kick to his shin. When the baldy falls on one knee, Haneul knocks him out by elbowing the crook's spine with full force.

'Three down, one to go.' Haneul breathes heavily, face flushed with sweat and stinging bruises. He's never been in such a bout before but the doctor is thankful to have learned how to defend himself. 'Let's get over with it.'

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