Chapter 22

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3rd person's pov

"Fire." The man said and his mens fired the bullet in them.

Licht and Lawless Jump High and Licht Kick the man strong enough sending him flying to the wall, and the wall did crack. While lawless take care of those mens with his sword.

Licht was about to take care of the Master but one of those mens attack him and his attention when to them.

The man then smirk. "To think he kick me twice, he gut some nerve." He said and stand up, he almost felt though since the kick was really painful.

The duo are busy fighting and they didn't notice the man walk towards the room where Mahiru is. He then walk near Mahiru and Step on his stomach hard.

Mahiru then scream and cough some blood after that. "Good Your awake" The man said.

Mahiru then, felt his throat is dry. He can't even speak due to him feeling pain all over his body and feeling weak at the same time. He look up and see nothing but darkness.

"Ack!" He then felt someone grab his hair and yank him to somewhere.

He was then force to sit up, while a hand was supporting his back so he won't fall down. His vision, it may be blurry a bit but after some adjustments he saw that Licht and Lawless was now trap by the black veins came from the ground and some man were pointing a Gun in Licht's head.

Licht-san... Lawless-san...why... Are.. " Mahiru thought. Then the man beside him forcefully grab his face.

" Take a look very well. Those two came here to save you, but in the end they will die infront of you. Isn't it like your fault, that their lives will end because of you being this weak~?" The man said and chuckle.

Mahiru then felt bad about the situation. He knows his weak, but he doesn't want to drag those strong people down because of his weakness. He doesn't want them to die, he...


He doesn't want them dying because of him.

He didn't deserve to die for a weakling like them.

They are strong. They are his friends, and dying infront of him is unacceptable. Mahiru can't live his life in a simplest way if he will witness their dead.


He can' t let that happened!

He can't!

He can't!

He can't!

The man was surprised when he saw a black mix with blue thingi forming in Mahiru's hand.

"Ah~ Thats impossible!" The man said in surprised.

"How can you summon your lead when your already dying!?.." The man said with a horror on his face.

Mahiru then hit the man behind him with his spear enough for the man sending backwards back to the darkness room. Mahiru then stand up weakly and swing his spear towards Licht and Lawless direction. It cut the vines they were Trap into and the mens gun that is pointing at them were cut into two.

Lawless and Licht were surprised.

But then Mahiru collapse to ground as his body is too weak to fight. He was surprised himself that he manage to summom his Lead.

"Shit!" Licht said and went to Mahiru side to catch him before he hit the ground.

"I'm Sorry For being weak, I'm sorry..." Mahiru thought.

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