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The essence of a night's breeze swarmed each individual who found themselves comfort within each other's presence... along with the presence of their beloved sofas.

The gentle sway of the wind was the only thing keeping the curtains moving from side to side, occasionally having their rhythm disturb due to a larger, sudden blow. The ajar window was the cause of all this yet nevertheless, it didn't disturb anybody's peace.

This was a reason as to why Jeongguk's hair was occasionally moved away from his forehead, as the wind wanted a taste of the skin; placing a tender kiss on the exposed surface. Jeongguk certainly didn't mind that, however, he was more concerned of his sleeping lover who appeared to get goosebumps during each time when the intensity of the wind increased, as so did the coldness.

Jeongguk had already taken off his jacket to place on Taehyung, (who was asleep on Jeongguk, with his legs wrapped around the slimmer waist and his face was resting snugly in the crook of Jeongguk's neck). It was rather clear to say that as of right now, Taehyung had achieved yet another epitome of his happiness. As Jeongguk recalled, Taehyung had previously murmured 'sucks to be you' right before dozing off - perhaps this was aimed at everybody who wasn't experiencing the comfort of Jeongguk's embrace?

Jeongguk rested his arms on Taehyung's lower back, allowing them to fall in the slight dip of his outline. He was currently trying to think of more activities to write down because once everyone will be awake in the morning,  Taehyung and Jeongguk will pick out three activities out of a bowl (it was decided previously for the couple to be in charge of this).

Therefore, Jeongguk was busy brainstorming for ideas (as were Yoongi and Hoseok - the only other people awake) to ensure that the entire group will be able to spend the last month together without any regrets - only earning moments of satisfaction from each other's company.

"It's hard to think of any more activities," Hoseok said before leaning back into the sofa and slouching. "I think I've written at least ten ideas in the past fifteen minutes.."

Jeongguk's eyes glanced over at the bowl that was currently filled to the brim and was overflowing with miniature paper pieces, (all covered with scribbles of ideas and sentences).

"It is hard, but I've only been writing down ideas that I think everyone will enjoy. The others worked hard as well," Yoongi stated in a quieter voice as he was being mindful of the rest of the group who were too busy snoring their heads off. "They were at it for an entire hour.. I think it would be a waste to only pick three ideas, don't you think so, Jeongguk?"

Jeongguk hummed in response, mindlessly drawing circles on Taehyung's bare skin that was slightly exposed at the back. "I agree. Maybe we'll let the rest of the guys pick one idea as well because there might be something they're all eager to do. That would make it fair."

Hoseok hummed in response before placing his pen down and then adding yet another piece of paper into the bowl. "I agree with the both of you, it's so nice to know that you're both still considerate of us."

Yoongi turned his head to face Hoseok and then he raised an eyebrow. "Still? We've always been considerate of everyone here.."

Hoseok chuckled and then looked around, only to notice that Jeongguk was also beginning to doze off, as his eyes were closed and his head was leaning against Taehyung's.

"I was just kidding, Yoongi." Hoseok replied, not picking up the pen again. He briefly scanned the room to make sure everybody was still asleep, then he turned to Yoongi again. "Hey.. can I talk to you?"

"Sure thing, what's up?"

"I've actually.. been thinking about something lately. Us, and our relationship with Jimin as well."

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