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Days and days pass until a week or two is used solely for training. Their endurance, strength and agility increases gradually however.. the food decreases as well.

"I need my daily protein!" Jeongguk whines, flopping down onto the floor as he stares up at the ceiling, wiping away a fake tear.

Hoseok starts laughing at the youngest and he soon decides to lay over Jeongguk with a smile on his face. Just like that, one by one, the guys start piling on top of Jeongguk's poor body. At that top sits Taehyung like a king, wearing a smirk that would establish his "power" over the others.

"Wait- y'all are too heavy! Get off-" Jeongguk starts yelling at the bottom, silently praying that nobody will lean sideways, because otherwise he can say goodbye to his future kids.

Eventually, they all get off and sit around in a circle, discussing what to do - after laughing at Jeongguk's prayers.

"I think we should be heading back home at this point.." Hoseok murmurs, casting side glances to Seokjin who's beside him.

The oldest of them all agrees with Hoseok, saying "I think we should. We've missed quite a lot of shifts at the bar.. we can only pray that we aren't fired yet. Is the same thing happening with you, Taehyung?"

Taehyung hums in thought and shrugs. "Dunno. My manager asked why I haven't been going to the job and I said that I've got to take an urgent leave. Well.. I just requested a holiday leave. Then I hung up on him, hoping I won't be fired as well."

Namjoon stands up and stretches, then he starts speaking after yawning for a solid minute. "Alright, time to leave then. Seokjin, take us to the petrol station along the way. We'll stock up on food along the way.." Namjoon then shoots some looks towards Taehyung and Jeongguk - the ones responsible for getting food and other necessities.

With that, the rest of the group starts gathering everything they've brought along with them, then dump them recklessly into the car (obviously gaining some scolds from Seokjin for causing a mess).

Taehyung sits in the back of the car along with Jeongguk. It's lucky that they've got a small truck - this gives them the advantage to sit outside whilst the other guys sit inside (in the warmth, as they prefer).

However Taehyung and Jeongguk are surrounded by a few blankets to keep themselves warm whenever a sudden wind blasts their souls out of their bodies.

"It's been a month since we've known each other, isn't it?" Jeongguk mumbles, giving Taehyung a curious look.

"Yeah, I suppose it is. Why?" Taehyung replied, returning the curious look.

"Don't you think we should have a mini friend anniversary?" Jeongguk asks, raising an eyebrow.

"What's a mini friend anniversary?" The older raises an eyebrow as well, copying Jeongguk's actions.

"Oh.. you know. a small celebration to celebrate the fact that we've been friends!" Jeongguk claps his hands with excitement, smiling brightly until small creases start to fold by the corner of his eyes.

cCapping with a larger amount of enthusiasm, Taehyung nods vigorously and blurts out "Alright! I'll get you a gift, kiddo."

Jeongguk's smile soon dies out and he murmurs "what- I dare you to call me a 'kiddo' one more time!"


"Alright that's it-" Jeongguk hastily scurries away his blankets and starts crawling towards Taehyung, wanting to 'kill' the other.

silver blades | taekook Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora