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Time went past and soon enough, the group of boys arrived at the bar. It seemed like the place to bring back nostalgic thoughts to those who used to spend years at the bar; perhaps this could be the case for some people.

The entrance of the building appeared rather homely, causing Taehyung to scrunch his eyebrows in confusion. The area was just filled with beige objects - seats, tables, lamps. Apart from the succulents that were neatly stuffed in tiny, well-designed pots.

It's a café.

Taehyung felt some nails pricking into his skin on the elbow, so he hissed in pain at first - the person digging into his muscle seemed to be enjoying this. Taehyung looked up to see jeongguk by his side, a side smile plastered across in a messy angle.

"Keep following." Taehyung heard, which is when he noticed that the rest of the guys had gone ahead again. They were descending down some stairs with a single source of illuminating light glinting down on their heads. Taehyung's  the last in line, so he uses this chance to observe the backs of people.

The closest person to him is Jeongguk, thus Taehyung can't help but observe how well-rounded the back of his head is. Looking closely enough, he can barely see the undercut that's hidden underneath his intricate labyrinth of endless locks. Yet again, he can't make out the tattoo that rests on Jeongguk's skin, causing Taehyung's curiosity to explode within him as the urge to observe the tattoo grows by each exquisite second.

Once they've arrived on the lowest floor, Taehyung opens his eyes wider to observe the setting they're in; leather seats are sprawled across the sides on the building, a wide dance floor with a few people mingling their sweaty bodies against each other. The bar has a glimmering surface - almost as if somebody had carved millions of diamonds in it, making it shine under some observing eyes. There was an array of liquors of various sizes tucked neatly on shelves; awaiting to be used. This was the epitome of freedom - a perfect place to let yourself become yourself without having to meet anyone's distasteful and judging gaze.

The boys walked over to the bar and they plopped down onto the seats, hands lounging on the bar top. Taehyung followed behind, eventually sitting down between Jeongguk and Hoseok.

"Seokjin! Get us the regular, the same for this newbie as well," Namjoon said before casting Taehyung a side-glance.

Seokjin walked over to the guys with a raised eyebrow at Taehyung, taken by astonishment to see the younger guy there. Seokjin ruffles his own hair, throwing the towel over his shoulder. "Newbie, huh? What's a guy like you doing here?" he asked, wonder lacing his words.

"Your little buddy over here," Taehyung started whilst placing an arm over Jeongguk's shoulder, "was running from a cop and thought it was okay to hop in my car and demand a ride."

Taehyung heard a snort from Hoseok, so he turned to the other. "What?"

"It's a rather different story compared to what Jeongguk said, that's all." Hoseok replied with a smile that was about to burst into laughter due to the disbelief of Jeongguk's story.

Seokjin walked over with multiple glasses of the alcohol, sliding them across the bar in a swift motion - each glass sliding over to their respective owner. Taehyung's was placed gently in front of him, making him look at the drink with caution.

His fingers gradually gripped around the glass, picking it up delicately and swirling the contents in a rather vigilant manner. The drink seemed like a palette for shades of orange and red. Each swirl would send the colours whirling like a tornado; competing for dominance as each colour wanted to make itself presentable - they didn't want nobody else to take control. They licked up the sides of the glass, daring to splash over and lose their fight. Luckily, the single orange slice that hung over the edge of the glass prevented the accidental slips.

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