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They partied until the clock ticked far into midnight; until everyone started dropping down onto the floor in exhaustion, one by one.

Beer bottles littered the majority of the flooring in their room - almost until their floor was barely even recognizable at one point. Some of the remaining liquid stained the carpets that slept under the couch; knowing that whoever dropped that bottle during the night would receive an ass-whooping in the morning by the one who cleans up the mess.

In the early morning - when the sun gleamed through the curtains whenever the wind gently swayed the curtains from time to time, Taehyung woke up from the mild sickness he was experiencing yet again. The same thing happened the last time he had a drink (mainly in Jeongguk's presence), however it wasn't as severe as the last time. Apart from the huge hangover he was going through (the one where it felt like his entire body was being continuously poked by knives), at least his skin hadn't turned pale again.

He rolled off the sofa and unfortunately, he landed directly on Yoongi - the guy who was sleeping on the floor, rolled up (using the carpet) like a tiny little burrito. Both of the males groaned since their precious sleeping was interrupted, and Taehyung just barely opened his eyes to look around.

He scrunched up his nose whilst trying to decipher he's on the floor, then with he lazily attempted to get up. However, with somebody else underneath him made it ten times harder to move around (especially with that headache of his). Taehyung tried pushing himself up so that he was at least in a seating position, but during the process, he accidentally shoved his entire hand directly onto Yoongi's cheek; thus squishing the older's face (and receive multiple hand swats from Yoongi).

With further attempt, Taehyung eventually got himself off of Yoongi, then he sat down on the floor beside the older. He stretched out his arms as much as possible whilst letting out the biggest yawn he could muster, then he got up.

His eyes scanned the entire room and to his surprise, nearly everybody was wasted. Seems like they had a bit too much to drink..

Without further ado, Taehyung started picking up some of the litter - this included the empty bottles, some random cards &  papers, then other junk that he could eventually lay his eyes on. He wasn't in a mood to completely make the room spotless, since the other guys could clean up once they've woken up from their slumber, so he went and threw his junk in the bin.

Of course, the bin is also overflowing with other trash.

With a pitiful sigh, Taehyung took out another bin-bag and threw the trash into there, then he dumped the bag beside the bin, eventually shuffling the bag closer to a corner using his foot.

Once he was able to take a breather, Taehyung ran a hand through his hair and started making himself a cup of tea - more specifically, chamomile tea. Knowing that it aids in soothing his nerves, a cup of this drink was exactly what he needed. Within moments, he had the drink ready and so he went back into the room where all of the other guys were currently snoring their heads off.

Yoongi proceeded to sleep in his burrito position; with his blanket tightly hugging his cheeks, making them seem puffier than usual. Hoseok was literally sprawled across the carpet located in the centre of the room, with a little fake toy flower placed on his forehead. Jimin..

Taehyung's eyes scanned the room again until he saw his smaller friend snuggled up underneath a table; his head resting on a pile of shorts. Directly above him slept Namjoon on the table, with his arms rolling off the edge of the table. His face however, was covered in tiny drawings which would've been graffitied on his face using some black marker.

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