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Yet he didn't shoot - Jeongguk was simply practicing his stance yet again, and Jimin was ready to throw at shoe at his head. "Hey - this ain't the time to play around, Jeongguk. We gotta move our asses, right now."

"Good idea, Jimin. I hope that Namjoon and Hoseok have given their witness statements by now. " Jeongguk replied and then zipped up his backpack before throwing it onto his back, then he suddenly froze when he heard voices outside the room.

His and Jimin's heads instantly snapped their heads into the direction of the door; attention fully focused on the moving knob.

"Hey, mate has this lock been jammed or something?" One officer asked, his voice slightly muffled.

"Nah, the doors here always have some sort of problem with the locks. Try twisting the key more."

Jeongguk glanced over to Jimin with an alarmed look and they both broke in a sweat.

After a couple of more tries, the officer unlocked the door and finally entered the room and then sighed and headed towards the back of the room. "Hey, what's going down by the office anyway? I heard some thug beat up somebody."

"Oh, you know - the usual type of fight happened. One of them probably got involved with the wrong type of person. Honestly, they should just use their brains and start avoiding the streets at night - it would make our jobs much easier."

At this comment, Jeongguk was highly tempted to just snort at what they said.

Earlier, (moments before the door flew open), Jimin had urgently whispered to Jeongguk to climb up on the shelves and hide along the very top. It was a tricky task - especially since endless stacks of papers, boxes and other useless, miscellaneous shit was stacked up until the brim - so climbing up without having any of those things knocked over was stressful enough.

His eyes were digging into the back of the men's heads; so much that he was determined he almost had the powers to drill through the entire body. At this very moment, he was hating those police officers with his entire heart as he couldn't believe that they had the audacity to show up and magically get in the way of their plan.

Jeongguk was holding his breath so much that it felt like he had been thrown into the deepest parts of the ocean and he had no choice but to hold his breath until he was pulled out of the water - in this case, he would only be able to resurface once the officers have left.

"How many guns are needed?"

"Six. One for each man. Get 'em quickly, since Changkyun is going to have to leave for another district soon with his men."

The officer whom Jeongguk has been paying close attention to (and whom he named 'dusty fingers' due to his leather gloves), appeared at the exact shelve where Jeongguk was hiding. He daringly peered downwards but could only see the man's scalp. He tried to be extremely careful when shuffling back into place, he didn't even dare to gulp - just so that he wouldn't be caught hiding.

He shut his eyes shut and steadied down his breathing so that he could remain calm, then he reopened his eyes. Jeongguk's eyes met with Jimin's and they both appeared to be sharing the same message - be patient and stay quiet.

"Say.. boss?" The officer by the guns asked and waited for dusty fingers to give his usual hum as an indicator that he's currently listening, then he continued talking. "How many guns are usually supposed to be here?"

"I would assume.. around thirty or slightly less. It's a small department, so I doubt that we would need many. Why are you asking? Surely you already know this, correct?" He replied whilst leaning against the shelf; his elbow propped up on the empty space that he managed to find. Dusty drummed his fingers against the wood; the sound echoing throughout the entire room.

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