
"Ergh what?" The annoying goat fake yawns, and I can practically feel her rolling her eyes.

"Can you tell him that his girlfriend Neveah called? I'm sure you've come across that name," Ha! That will show her who he really belongs to.

"Nancy? Nope sorry never heard of it...Oh yeah!" She beams and I smirk hoping she stays in her lane, "You're the girl who has this crazy obsession with him? He said you have this fake belief that you're both madly in love, Neveah Summers right?" I hear her pop her gum which irritates me even more. So I hang up.

I clench and unclench my fist. He hasn't even told her? Do I mean so little to him that he fakes a lie for being seen with me. I bet if I was famous or whatever he wouldn't be so embarrassed to be with me.

"Why do you look like you want to cry again?" Vicky's eyes fill with concern, the feeling of hurt is replaced with anger.

And you should never mess with an angered, broken-hearted girl.

"Is it the plan thing? If you really don't want to do it then we can go back home," she suggested.

I shake my head, "No. We aren't going back. Drive faster, I'm ready to expose him for who he actually is."

We finally arrive at the venue as Vicky finds a parking spot. She checks the time on her watch quickly, "Okay so, they perform in about 10 minutes, that means we need to be really quick when sneaking in so you can get on stage before anyone catches you," It's a good thing she watches a lot of criminal shows like: Criminal minds and CSI.

I still can't get over the fact that he didn't even mention me to anyone, do the boys even know about me? And I don't really understand why their management want me to be a secret, there are tons of celebrities in relationships with non famous people.

So what's the problem?

"Angel cheer up, you shouldn't waste your time moping about on that f**k face, at least he's going to get what he deserves." Vicky poked my cheek.

I'm not going to lie I'm really excited about what I'm about to do but, deep down I just want it all to end. I wish I'd never seen that article, and I don't care how bad this sounds but...I'd rather still be with Reece not knowing about annoying goat than be without him. I can't help it. I love him.

Vicky finally found a spot so we got out of the car. "This is it..." I'm so nervous, what am I going to say? It's not like I actually planned anything and I'm terrible at 'winging it'. Vicky gave me warm smile "You're going to be alright, everything's going to be alright" she reassured me.

I opened the car door and we begin to walk to the building. The doors were automatic so we just went right in, and were quiet surprised by the lack of security.

"Isn't there meant to be some ticket dude here or something?"

Vicky shrugs her shoulder, "Well according to that sign over there - it says the dude is on a break." She says referring to the message written on the door.

We just leave it and continue to walk on.

Stereo kicks are about to perform in about 5 minutes so we went to hide in the toilets for a while before anyone could spot us.

Like I always do when I'm petrified I fiddled with the hem of my top.

3 minutes left...

"Okay Abbie you're about to go out there...you ready?" I vigorously shake my head because it's the truth- I'm not ready.

My stomach made a terrible squelching sound, argh I feel like I going to throw up.

2 minutes left...

Behind closed doors(Reece Bibby fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now