Congratulations It's A Man

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Mom came home and sat us all down, I knew I was right the second she told Christian and Charles that I found an intricate part of her past recently. She goes to tell us that she still can't recall things before her attack.
Madison Randall
This is going to be a life altering chat with my children. To find out they have an older brother is one thing, but he is also a billionaire. Not just any billionaire but the one who has been trying to buy my company. I pull out the DNA reports along with a magazine with his photograph on it. I also had him pose for a picture with me and his parents. At least his adoptive parents knew that I wouldn't have left him like that. They seemed to have raised him well. They told him how he was found and they made it clear that they thought he was a kidnap victim. They also thought something bad had happened to his parents for him not to be reported as missing. Now we have 2 Christians in the family. Christian Trevelyan-Grey and Christian Randall. We will have to get a nickname for both. Amee has been chatting with Mia about getting together with the Greys to meet the whole family.
Christian R
Two Christians, I think on some level mom may have felt her oldest son. She has always said she felt that a huge part of her life was missing and didn't think it was just the memory. When she would try to talk to her parents regarding her past they would blow her off and tell her to move on and create new ones. Now I can give her what I found in nannas things when she had me clear out her things when she passed away. It was a small thing that I found nanna looking at when she was alone. She said it was a photo of mom, but somehow it was different. The photo looked newer than the other photos of mom. Plus it wasn't in the photo albums. I found a whole photo album of baby pictures and mom holding a baby dressed in a small business suit. The date 1983 June was embossed on the album. I hand it to her and tell her why I didn't give it to her until now. I didn't know about the baby in the photos. Plus I didn't want her upset. She gets ill if she tries to hard to remember anything.
I start crying about how my parents lied to me for so long. That my son was kidnapped and they knew about it. At least he had ended up in a good family and made something of himself. I ask her to bring all my parents papers and files from storage and put them in the empty bedroom. I am going to find out what else they had been hiding from me. They also could have hidden the father of the baby from me as well. Hell they probably knew where he was all the time.
Mom we need to talk about what this means regarding the family business.
There will be no difference at all unless you don't want to run it?
No I still want to run the family business, but will Christian Grey want to be involved as well?
You can ask him that, but I think he's too busy with his own to want to run ours. You do know he has a brother and a sister just like you do and now you have two more brothers and one more sister. Mia just became good friends with Amee, that's how we found your brother.
Do you think he might be willing to teach me some of his business tactics?
I think you should talk to him about these kind of questions okay.
A week later Madison has found out that her parents have known who adopted Christian all along and has photos of him for every year of his life until they passed away. No information on his father any where in their files. Which makes me think they knew exactly who it was. Okay now something my husbands killer said to me kicks into my memory about being an ex of mine and the baby. Omg it can't be him. I ran his name on line and something odd came up. His pregnant girlfriend accused him of drugging her and raping her had disappeared. He and his father were questioned about it. Then two others that pressed charges disappeared as well. Both were found dead and their baby's were missing. There wasn't a trace of them at all. The family's couldn't afford to hire someone to find the children. The cops had no leads at all. I am not going to open that can of worms ever.
Two days later
Hello Mrs Randall I am Mia Grey and am Amees friend and Christians sister. I want to ask if this Saturday will be okay to have you over for a bbq meet and greet?
You can call me Madison, let me ask the kids and get back to you on it okay. What time?
About 1pm and Amee can give you directions to get to my parents home. Both sets of our grandparents are joining us. That is the best warning I can give you lol.
I call Mia and let her know that Saturday was good and 1t works for us. I asked her what I should bring and what I should wear. She tells me there will be a few of her friends as well. Some single guys as well. To keep the gold diggers busy and not bothering Elliott and Christian or their dates. Should I worry for my Christian and Charles.
What does your Christian look like?
He kind of looks like your Christian but taller. He is coming out if a bad break up. I think she thought he was going to keep her in luxury. She had no idea that he had his first nickel he made and he reinvests all the time. He only takes out living expenses from his salary. He flies economy only.
He definitely isn't like my Christian lol. But mine hates gold diggers, won't give them the time of day. I have to make more calls talk to you later.

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