The Surprise

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I just couldn't get it out of my mind, the fourth adoption papers were a mystery to me. We had the signatures all checked and they were legitimate.
I think I will have to come clean about the baby and how we were able to talk the caseworker into including the papers in with everything else. She handled it like she had done something like it before. The thing is with foster children you are around all ages and sexes of unwanted or orphan children. The baby was in the same foster care facility with us. She was given up to the fire department while they were on a big fire. The mother was a runaway I helped deliver the baby for her. I had wondered where she went to and then I saw the baby crying by the fire department door. Hiding her was hard, but we did it until we were taken to foster care. I saw her and told the caseworker she was my little sister. The thing is paperwork gets lost sometimes. Being homeless we lost everything. So it was plausible that mom had the baby before my parents death and at home. So I made sure she got a home as well. The fact they are suspicious doesn't mean the baby doesn't need a home. Her mother ran away from her mother and the step father who raped her. I ran into her just as she gave birth to her daughter. My siblings helped me hide her, but she took off and then I found the baby in the foster care home. I told them it was my sister and that we had hid her to keep her safe. So the caseworker pulled our files and asked the Grey's to complete more forms. Then she handed the files over including the new documents signed. A lot of people just sign adoption papers with out looking at the dates or the dates are added later. The original caseworker made sure all four adoptions would go through, explained it to our new one and went on vacation. She and I are the only ones who know the truth. She also said the Grey family wouldn't hesitate to adopt the baby as well. She introduced us to the news caseworker and said good luck. I saw the file and there was even a birth certificate for the baby. It had our parents on it and born at home. No doctor present. The birthdate was not long before our parents died. Now I hope her real mother doesn't come back for her.
I am not stupid, that baby isn't their baby sister. I just can't turn her away knowing that these three kids had help getting the documents done for her and I recall Christian and I having to sign more papers in a big hurry so the judge could sign them before he retired. We just signed quickly and trusted the caseworker it was what she said it was. Christian wants to delve into it, but I told him to allow the kids to confess and take it one day at a time. He thinks I am nuts, but if the baby was deserted then these three know who the mother was if it wasn't their mother. I suspect it was a minor and a run away and she could be desperate and in danger.
I have new employees to assign work to and assure the household runs smoothly. Now with four new additions I have to make a lot of changes to the types of food served and an infants dietary needs. Plus assure there are appropriate measures taken having a baby in 5he home. I had made everything suitable for the three new additions, but a baby we weren't prepared for. Luckily I was able to get everything done on short notice and one of the help had worked with babies and was able to get everything sent and set up very quickly. She had made friends with a few of the owners of baby service providers and knew they were who we would want involved. Apparently they are willing to sign NDAs and have never betrayed a confidence. So we went with Sarah's choices and they faxed over the signed NDAs and within six hours we had all the needed items for a three month old infant. Foods as well as her type of milk. I noticed how attentive the other three were to the baby, it was amazing. It was like they were the caretakers of the baby from day one. The baby really doesn't look like any of the three. Taylor agreed with me on this and he said that when they went to court and realized a baby was there and they had signed adoption papers for her as well. They were a bit thrown off their game. But said nothing and finalized everything.
Mr and Mrs Grey were absolutely not aware a baby was one of the children they were adopting today, the shock on their faces was undeniably telling. But they signed away and had me call Gail and get a room outfitted for a baby as quickly as possible and get babies food and other supplies as soon as possible. Luckily Gail had hired someone that had been a nanny for several babies and knew good places and people to buy things quickly from and would sign NDAs. It took six hours, but it all fit together and food for the baby was delivered very quickly. Gail and Sarah worked wonders in such a short time.
Sarah Reese
I was hired as a nanny for the Grey's and would be in charge of three children along with two others. Suddenly we get the news of a baby as well as the three others being adopted coming and they needed a person who had experience in baby care. I apparently was the one most qualified for the position. Which I found odd, because the others seemed like they had been working as nannies longer. I then realized what their true objective was and they possibly had that same objective and was asked to leave their employment. I guess I never thought that getting a job with a rich billionaire and his wife would be a way to become a billionaires wife. Meaning they were just here to break up a marriage. I have seen his wife, they can't compete and she isn't a dummy. Plus her husband only has eyes for her. Janice James and Fran Allen were here for themselves and not to care for the children. It won't be long until they are found out. I know three people they beat out for this position who are better suited to the job and I will assure they are hired. Jill and Juliet a set of identical twins who could use the job and have been passed over because of lack of experience. They are 18 just out of high school and want this kind of job. Then there are Elizabeth Todd 30 and Arnie Dixon 21 who has trouble being hired because, well men are usually in this field. I am betting I know why. But the Grey's are pretty open minded, they hired me after all. 

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