A Doctor And A Lawyer

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I watch as Jameson walks through the front door in his scrubs. I am amazed that he is now working along side his grandmother and is doing quite well. Christian told me that he confided in him when he was a teenager this was what he wanted to do. Jameson has started dating a friend of Jennas. Wanda Davis was her college roommate and a nerd. So they complimented each other. Carrick and Grace bought Jenna a safe car but new nothing ostentatious. Everyone knew she was a Grey and tried their best to become her friend. Extra CPOs were needed women mostly and make coverts to dissuade guys who wouldn't take no for an answer. We had Phoebe six years after Theodore so we have a teenage girl left in our home. Theodore is an early entrant into college. Next week we see Jenna graduate and soon after she takes the bar exam. Carrick and I have taken her under our wings. I do Pro Bono work for special cases. GEH is going well. Georgia finally decided to retire and she decided to sell off some of her company to Christian. He has hired new COOs for the parts he bought. We had only one glitch and he was fired and he was replaced by the female he sexually harassed.
Fred finally talked me into becoming his wife,but insisted on a prenuptial agreement so his pain in the butt ex wife and kids can't try to get the Ford inheritance. So I am Georgia Ford Lewis now. We had been friend with benefits for years, no one thought anything of it. I am watching my granddaughter walk across the stage today. I might be in a wheelchair, but I am still here to witness her rise from the ashes like a glorious Phoenix. I know Tim is looking down at his daughter and smiling. I picture the Morton's scowling as the flames in hell get bigger and hotter. They were lucky I did end them, I know people who can keep them alive and in pain for years. Like they did to my Jenna. Jenna recently introduced a young man named Aaron Samuels. He knew who I was immediately. I guess the articles of me are still out there somewhere. He was awed at what I accomplished with my company. He is a business major trying hard to build a small children's development toys. He has two patents so far. He wants to reach out to the poor and make games and educational activities that don't cost a lot. I can see why Jenna likes him. But she still has her battle scars. She joins me and Fred and we join the rest of the family at a huge party for both of our college graduates. All of her children are doing well. When I gave her trust fund she asked if she could do anything she wanted with it?
When Granny G gave me my trust fund, I divided it up amongst my four babies and left enough to buy a new building and create a better homeless shelter. Grace and Christian helped me with that. Carrick helped me set up the trust funds, I wanted them to keep my name off as the person who gave it to them. I just had him say it was from their paternal grandmother. And it was indeed the truth. I am frantic and Aaron is by me and Wanda is showing off her engagement ring to the family. I am so happy for both of them. Jameson is and will be very dear to my heart. He and Wanda fit like a glove. Aaron knows about my not being able to have children.  He knows it is from a painful past, but he said adoption turned out well for me and my siblings so we can try that as well. Now to just get through the bar exam next week. Jameson has to go through the medical licensing test soon. So we are both a bit on edge.
Meeting and having Jenna as a roommate was great. It turned out to be the best luck I have ever had. Nothing ever came easy for me or my family. I worked hard to get a scholarship and work even harder to keep it. My parents are poor and they have four more children at home. So I worked from fourteen and saved what I could for college. But things happened and my savings was the only thing saving us from being homeless. My brother and sisters started working at 14 as well. They followed my lead and we survived, until dad was laid off recently. The luck of having Jenna as a roommate was she made a few calls and dad was hired and making a lot more money. Grey construction hired him on the spot. He is still working there. We were invited to a family bbq. Jenna never told me she was one of the Greys and my whole family showed up and we couldn't believe how warm and welcoming her whole family was. She introduced me to her favorite cousin and it was magical. I asked her how she would feel about my dating her cousin, she laughed and said he asked her how she would feel about him dating her. Kismet I tell you. Now I am a college graduate and helping put my siblings through school as well. Jameson lives in his fathers old place at escala, when I was first taken there I was dumbfounded at the size of the place. I finally realized what Grey his dad is. And he's Jennas uncle. His parents allow him and his siblings to live there. Security is very tight and they have to keep the place neat and clean. They still have staff though. A house manager and cook. They microwave mostly until I started cooking. I cook they clean. It is nice to be here and reminds me of my family and home, just a whole lot more expensive. We got engaged at our favorite spot. The place we met, his parents backyard. I could sense eyes watching every move. It was another huge get together, but we were the only ones outside. It was beautiful and so was his proposal. Apparently my dad kept a huge secret from me. Jameson had asked him for my hand in marriage. I said yes and the doors burst open and food and tables were brought out and all set up for the celebration. Christian of course did a background check on us and we passed his test. I guess Jameson dated, but they were only after money and position and he took them home and told them he wanted someone who wanted him and not his family or their money. But he knew right away I was what he wanted.
I am so proud of Jenna and hope she joins her fathers firm, but she is afraid of not being taken seriously.so she is working  in Ana's office for now. Ana is having her take the paying customers. She has to make money. Ana's firm has a strong presence and she has some wealthy clients as well. But she thinks Jenna might benefit from working at her agency to get her feet wet. It is what Jennas wants for now.
I decided to finally move the headquarters here to Seattle and hired Aaron after he sold his company. He made quite a bit of money and I hired him to see if he could move up to eventually take over for my CEO. He said he would try it out, but if he wasn't up to par to fire him immediately. It turned out he was far better than he believed himself to be. We kept it quiet, until Jenna found out and nearly broke up with him. She finally accepted our apologies and begging for forgiveness. I promised never to interfere again and Aaron promised to always discuss career moves with Jenna. Wow she sounds like a wife.
I almost told them Aaron and I got married, luckily I didn't.
My parents weren't happy about my marriage to Jenna. They don't think she is good enough for me. I never told them her last name. Because I knew what they would do. So my parents have no idea about her family on both sides and she was adopted would make it worse. I know a lot more about Jenna than she's told me. But that's not why I married her. She doesn't know this but I was a patient in the hospital when they brought this frail 15 year old pregnant girl into the ER. I thought she was going to die. She was mostly baby bump. I heard the whole horrid story by hearing the drs and nurses talking and she and I were in the same floor. I tried to sneak in to see her, but there were big guys standing guard. I will tell her soon, but I have to break the news to my parents. I did ask Carrick for her hand in marriage. He gave it. I explained that we want a family party to announce it otherwise we want a court house marriage only. No paparazzi and no family. If they or any of the Greys came with us the reporters would get wind of it and then my parents would have to have it all over the news that the girl they can't stand is not only a Grey, but also a Ford.
Theresa Samuels
I am going to break those two up. Jenna is not good enough for my Aaron. I invite some lovely females to the graduation party I am throwing him. But he has other plans.
He invites us to Jenna and her cousins party to celebrate all three graduations and an engagement if her cousin and her roommates engagement. Plus a special announcement. I tell her it is at one if the house she has wanted to see inside for decades. She immediately knows the one and calls and cancels the parties and the dates for me.
David Samuels
Aaron is up to something, I know it. He sold his company for a huge profit and is working for Georgia Ford. He is working his way up the ladder and being paid well, but nothing like he could if he had kept his company. I was hoping he would get on at GEH, but they don't have openings right now. They are the best employer around for pay, benefits, bonuses, and time off.
We arrive when Aaron asks us to. We have to show the invitation and our IDs. God you would think this is Christian Greys home or something I mutter and the guard hears it and tells me it is Christian Greys home. Jenna Grey is related to him?
His sister as a matter of fact, okay you are cleared to go through.
I just don't believe it. Let's see what's going on. I hope we are dressed properly. We walk inside and the party is going strong and in the backyard. I am overdressed and am greeted by Aaron and Jenna. We are lead to her granny and her parents. Carrick and Grace Grey are standing there in casual attire and Georgia Ford is beaming at her granddaughter. The I see the matching wedding bands on my son and Jennas left hands.
I married her anyway mom. We did a courthouse marriage because we wanted a quiet ceremony. Don't blame Jenna, blame me. The paparazzi can be dangerous and we already have bodyguards. Jenna has had them for a while. I am surprised nether if you wondered about the drivers and the cars parked outside your home when we visited you. I really hope you become more aware of the people around you from now on. By the way you have security now as well.
No one was there from the family?
No one. Carrick knew we were getting married, but wanted it in the courthouse and made it happen quietly. So I guess she's good enough now huh? I don't think she can say the same for you based on your treatment of her. You can stay and meet her family or can leave. But no big announcements understand me? Mom? You won't be safe if you make a huge announcement. Kidnapping is an issue. Ask Mia about that if you don't believe me.
I finally get to introduce myself to Theresa Samuels and lean in and tell her, you will never treat my daughter badly again understand me? She nods and fake smiles. Georgia gives her hell.
I am not as subtle as Grace is. I like your son a lot. But you not so much. I know your type and you treat my grandchild badly again and we won't have words. You might not like the press after I let them know how you thought a Ford Grey child wasn't good enough for your son or you. You will never be able to look people in the eyes again. I think you have understood me right Mrs Samuels?
David Samuels
Oh believe me she knows she better not do anything else. I have to say Jenna put up with a lot from Theresa and still stood tall.
Excuse us and join the fun go meet your new family members and their friends and families. We have some announcements to make.
One marriage, one engagement and three graduations were celebrated that night so many years ago. I am now CEO of the Ford company and my brother in law has been very helpful. Georgia Ford left me something in her will. It was her first  husbands Mont Blanc pen. The one he bought when he finally made his first billion dollars. She died in her sleep, Fred followed a month later. She still had properties all over the United States and was a neighbor to Christian in the Bahamas. Mom has definitely kept a low profile. She heard the horror stories from Mia. The stories were kept out if the news. But it was bad, Ana can't even talk about it. She and Mia were taken hostage and held for a week. The paparazzi caused the abduction. Both were pregnant with what they didn't know at the time would be their last child. Both were grabbed while trying to shop for their babies. Of they could run when they were barricaded by the paparazzi and some guys were able to grab them easily. Due to the how close to their due dates they had been drugged and kept in a old home and chained to the radiator. By the time the random was paid and they were found both were close to dying. Air lifting them to the hospital was necessary and c sections to save the babies. Both were in comas for weeks. Both had to have a hysterectomy. The men hurt them sexually. Mom said that she had no idea how bad it could get. I told her the paparazzi are bad news and criminals in my book. They found out who was behind all of it. José Rodriguez sons had grown up and blamed Ana and Mia for his death. They recovered the money. Marked money was given and traced. Juan and Jose jr were killed trying to escape.
Life is great and Aaron and I have found a baby crying in a dumpster at the grocery store. He went in after it. I took my coat off and we headed to the hospital with him. Being an attorney I had already got our foster care applications done along with guardianship and adoption paperwork done. Carrick and Ana went over it for me to make sure we got it al in order. We have a caseworker who loves the idea we want to help orphans out.
Three weeks later we are adopting the baby boy we found in the dumpster. We named him Timothy Carrick Ford Samuels. Theresa wasn't happy about the adoption. Grace had a word with her and she never said another word. She became the best granny you could find for Tim.
It is funny how life works and it comes back around, but sometimes in a better way.
We finally can relax and enjoy ourselves my huge family the took me in when I needed it most and we are doing the same for other children. I just hope the mother finds help like I did. Jameson and then Grace and Carrick. I don't dwell on my past, but recently my children found out they were my children, but Grace told them the whole story before they confronted me.  All four came over and thanked me for being selfless and deciding I could never give them the life they now have. I am glad Grace spoke to them. I told them no one needs to know the real story ever. I was a lost soul and someone great found me and my babies.
A great life  unfolds for me yet again,
The beginning of a new journey
The end
Hope you enjoyed the story

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