Half And More

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Gordon Kavanagh
Sitting at my desk I had no idea what was about to change my life drastically. But soon found out when I headed towards my latest conquests residence that I bought for her. I had to take a loan out for it. Something was going on with Janet and my accounts and I didn't have the time to check into it so I transferred a million into it and was going to pay off the house once it cleared. Two days later it was taken out and the joint accounts were all closed. My other accounts were frozen. So we lost the house because I couldn't get the down payment for it.
I was leaving and was approached by a man asking if I was Gordon Kavanagh? I said yes and he handed me a very heavy envelope and said you have been served. I open it up and Janet has served me with divorce papers and has photos of all the women I recall having an affair with. It even included photos of my children with several of them. Well they said they were my children. The one who couldn't speak English is the only one I am sure of, because we had DNA tests done on them. I guess I need to see where I can stay.
He made the mistake of putting a million dollars into our joint account so he could purchase his latest whore a home. I emptied the account up and closed it after finding he was buying a home for his latest whore. Wonder how long it will last when she finds out he will be giving half of his wealth to me and the rest will go to provide for at least three children. I found her a translator and someone to train her to speak and read English. She was very angry at what he had done and we spoke about the things we were going to do for her. She had no idea he was married. He would avoid her talk of marriage constantly because he said he had a bad divorce and wasn't wanting to remarry. Apparently he got her her green card and made promises of marriage. He would be there and come by still to keep her happy. Which she wasn't happy at all.
Felize Alejandro
I was stunned when my fiancé's wife showed up. She was angry and could tell. She left and came back the next day with a translator and an attorney. I was not happy and my three children were still small. My youngest Fallon Kavanagh a year old, Thomas Kavanagh 2 and David Kavanagh 4, they were unsure what was going on. But I settled them down with the nanny, who I am sure is having sex with Gordon. Especially after what the translator told me. I wasn't and got the keys to Gordon's office and safe and safe deposit box. The attorney introduced himself as Carrick Grey, he told me he wanted to DNA test on my children, to make sure Gordon couldn't leave me high and dry in the support of them. Janet the woman who is his wife is trying to be kind to me. She asked Carrick if I could keep the house? She thought I deserved it after all. She and my translator spoke to mr Grey and then they told me what they wanted to do. We were going to change all the locks and replace the nanny with someone else. I said a friend of mine needed a job and needs a place to live as well. We called Sun Louise and she arrived shortly and was hired. The nanny was fired on the spot. I was asked if I had money to survive on? I barely got any money. Janet Kavanagh told hm to set up an account for me to provide for me, my children and pay wages. I guess I am not supposed to allow Gordon back in the house again. They explained that he would kick me out. Three hours later a big guy was introduced as my bodyguard. Hector Tremmell, he was fluent in Spanish, German, Italian and French. I would be getting a new alarm code.
Three months later I have my name on the deed to the house and am given child support for the children and money to live on. Wages are paid by Gordon and like mr Grey said he would try to refute his parentage of our children. They were right about him trying to kick us out so he bring some whore in to replace me. He had no intentions of marrying me or anyone. His whore was not thrilled to hear that news. Hector called the cops and he had to leave when he found out I had been awarded the house in an agreement made in the divorce. Sun, me, my children live here quietly. Gordon didn't want a huge battle with me and his wife. DNA said it all. His children Ethan and Kate came to meet me and their siblings.
Carrick got me and Felize a good deal, I made sure she got the house he bought her and his children. I was not about to allow him to kick out a mother and three children, but we had to keep our settlements quiet and we did. Felize is able to speak English and is getting better. I told her to ask for money to get her degree here in Seattle. We of course have a common enemy my ex husband. She thinks there's two more children of his out there. Women still think they can get his money and have tried, too bad he only has a fourth of what he had before we ripped him a new one in divorce and child support. Plus providing money to Felize as well. She was actually a nurse in San Salvador, where he met her, hired her and lied and seduced her. Now she's getting the degree up here. She is invited to all family events, after all her children are my children's siblings. They should get to know them.

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