The Party Part 2

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Christian keeps asking if Ana is coming tonight and I tell him she said her and Kate are definitely coming tonight they pull up just as I say this. Wow the car she is driving is a mans dream car and his mother's nightmare car for him lol. A new Ferrari she inherited it from Addy Wilson. Now why would Addy buy a car like that? Carrick said her brother had a hand in that. He thought he would get it after convincing her to buy it, he would drive it to keep it in good condition.
I have to say she made an impressive entrance. I bet Kate talked her into driving that car. Wait it is Kate driving it. I knew that young woman was over the top. We didn't beat Mia to welcome them both to the party.
I see a Ferrari drive in and think it is a guy joining the party. My friends join me in the welcoming of the driver. A woman gets out of both sides of the car. Damn I want to drive this car, I am introduced to Ana Steele and Katherine Kavanaugh. The young ladies meant to meet Elliott and Christian. I look them up and down and decide they aren't acceptable in my book and just how do these women have a Ferrari anyway? These two probably rented it for show.
I see you guys found the Ferrari, Ana have you driven it yet or has Kate taken over the keys? You know Larry thought he was going to register it in his name. Addy had me handle the purchase and put it in your name. I think she knew you wouldn't let him anywhere near it. I think Mia and her friends thought a guy was driving the car. Grace chuckled when she saw who got out of it.
Well folks let's party, most of the guests are already here. I take Ana and Kate and introduce them to everyone and then the grands. Both mothers are questioning the girls about their plans for their lives. They then get my sons over to meet them. Christian thanked all of us for saving him from Mias friends. He can't stop looking at Ana. And Elliott and Katherine are having a lot of fun talking to one another. Until the mothers ask both couples for grandchildren. I am so embarrassed until Elliott says well Kate let's get started on this now and embarrasses us all even further. Kate just laughs and says sure why not where's your old room? I think she's kidding, but who knows.
Omg Elliott is not only hot he is hilarious to be around. He asks me for my number and where I live. We eat and dance and have all kinds of fun. Ana is happy for us.
I need to get Ana alone so I can talk to her and get her number and address. I get up and whisper in Anas ear asking her to walk with me for a moment.
Omg Christian is smiling at me and we are having fun listening to his family making plans for grandchildren and great grandchildren from me, Kate, Elliott and Christian. Mias made the right move hanging with her snobby friends. Christian gets up and whispers in my ear about walking with him. I nod and he scoots my chair back and helps me up and off we go. We end up in the gazebo and he has me sit and he joins me he asks me if I will have dinner alone with him  soon.
I can't believe she agreed to walk with me and now accepted my dinner invitation. I ask for her number and then give her my card with my personal cell number on the back. I write my cell number on it for only people who I want to hear from. Only family and very few friends and business associates have my number.
Omg a friend of mines father was murdered by the husband of the woman who he was having sex with. Her husband killed her as well. Amee Randall graduated the same year I did and we really didn't click until we met again in college. She and I are taking computer classes along with culinary courses. Her mom insisted she come to this party. I never met her mother Madison Randall due to her busy schedule running her family's business she really has no social life at all. The family comes with a lot of old money from a long established company. I doubt I ever met her, suddenly Christian walks by us and Amee asks me if we are related to her mother?
Are you guys related to my mother? Because your brother is a male version of my mother.
We are all adopted, Christian was left in a park by someone. My parents think he was a kidnap victim.
My mom lost all her memories due to being attacked. She was left by a dumpster. According to my grandparents. But my mom doesn't remember anything before she woke up in the hospital. She had to be told memories of her past life. It took 6 months for her to retain everything. Now she is running her family's company alone. I think she's wanting to have my brother Christian and I run it along with Charles when he gets out of high school. He goes with her on weekends and has for a couple of years so I think he wants to to run the family business.
Do you have a photo of your mom? She shows it to me and it looks like an older female version of Christian. I have to show my parents right away. Something tells me this is Christians sibling and her mothers his mother.
Mia is almost running towards me and Grace with a girl her age along with her. I see a very determined look on her face and a very scared girl by her side and Mia pulling her by the arm.
Mia makes it to us and introduces us to Amee Randall, she shows us a photo of a woman who looks like an older female version of Christian. I watch as Carrick asks her if she is Madison Randall's daughter.
Okay I just have to keep calm here and ask if her mother had a child before she lost her memory?
My mom, dad and grandparents have not mentioned any other children and no pictures of another child exists.
Do you think she might be willing to have DNA testing done to see if he is her son?
I will have to ask her and you need to ask your son before we make plans to do this DNA testing.

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