The Mad House Meeting

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Now listen up you grandparents will be on your best behavior today. We are adding to our family today. You will treat your new grandkids with kindness like your own if you know what I mean there are three children, well not so much children any more. But they are Christians biological family and as such is our family as well. So be nice. James and Dana Grey laugh at me and say really Grace we are going to be just as we always are so get over yourself. Elbert and Genevieve Trevelyan chuckle and say what Dana said and walks off. Oh good Lord this day just took a bad turn. Combine my parents and Carrick's and the fur flies and it is usually them that made it fly. No wonder we keep them separate they are having fun using being old as an excuse to do as they please and ask any questions they wish. I have warned Ana and Kate to be ready. But not Madison.
I see Amee and what looks like Christian walking beside her and another male and her mother is behind them. The closer I get the more I realize this guy is about two inches taller than my Christian. Then I see Ana and my Christian heading my way. Elliott is carrying Kate to me as well. She is over his shoulder. Oh nice he is in his caveman routine. I just hope I get through today without waking up with a hangover in the morning. Carrick is just sitting by the pit laughing at me. He is having the kids cook today. Another hilarious joke on me.
I am waiting for Grace to have a major meltdown our parents are testing her patience and our kids volunteered to cook for us all. Uh oh she's headed my way to torture me. I take a nice drink of my Long Island ice tea and smile at her she laughs back and I know I will be paying for my laughter earlier at her expense.
She takes a seat by me and watches as everyone meets and greets the new additions to our family. The two Christians are blowing everyone's minds. Add Madison standing by them and we take photos of all the people at the bbq and watch as our parents have people shaking their heads and walking the other way.
Of course we are served by our kids the cooks. We just smile and think ahh the good life. Grace worked all this out and told our three after she sat it up they had to serve us at the party. She arranged for all the supplies and brought everything out and I got all the seating ready along with our tables.
So you have the kids cook?
On certain times we do, like after I did all the shopping and inviting and organizing the supplies. It is their job to cook and clean up afterward. Guests don't have to. Wow both the Christians can pass for twins. They look like you.
I know and if Amee hadn't  became friends with Mia we probably wouldn't have met Christian. I found out that my parents lied about him. They even knew where he was all this time. We found albums in their files. We had their things in storage and we went through it recently. If you want to see them and get copies you are more than welcome to. They also kept his birth certificate. Father unknown of course. I am certain the father was known by my parents. But my memory loss prevents knowing much about that time. Even my ob thought something was off and didn't question me about a previous baby. My parents set me up with a new ob/gyn. She just figured my memory loss made me forget my first child and I probably put him up for adoption. A friend recently told me I had been drugged and raped and became pregnant. She was threatened by my parents and had to keep quiet due to a third party and their threats. Somehow I believe that whomever drugged and raped me threatened my friends and family. Of course this is all speculation.
Well I doubt they would try something now. Especially since your memory loss. And being drugged and raped you most likely don;t even know who did it at all. All of that is water under the bridge, so let's enjoy our combined family. The boys  look good cooking our food don't you two agree as I laugh. Hey Christian R and Christian G mine is well done and don't forget the sides please and my drink needs freshened up.
Are you really going to have them serve you too? Go get your food silly man.
So he is a attorney and you are a doctor?
Yes we are and you own a company that Christian wanted.
Yes and he was like a dog with a bone. I finally had my attorneys call him and politely ask him to stop and he did. We have spoken again and we are sharing technology we both have a vested interest in. He hired two top IT people I had wanted, but he offered more than I could. He definitely got the business acumen from my father and me. Charles is the youngest and has been working at the company since her got his workers permit. He started in the mail room and now he is working with the new interns. Okay your parents tried to fix me up with the guy standing looking this way. I think he is married and in the middle of his third divorce. Do they know him, or think they do? He is bad news.
Omg this steak is great, we need to have Christian R to bbq more often. So is everything okay I see mr philanderer is watching Madison. Let me guess our parents thought he was single and was matchmaking. Oh goodness Madison you need to steer clear of that guy he is a predator. If he bothers you let me know. He wasn't invited here at all.
Don't worry I am having him removed now. I guess he slipped in when the guests started arriving. He hit on me in front of his wife. Let's just say that that marriage ended and she walked away with half of everything. Carrick had some choice words with him regarding me. Now I think he is going after younger women. I warned Mia about him already, but she had heard about him from a school friend of hers when he picked up a senior after school was out. She is married to him now. Let's just say the divorce papers are signed and she is taking him for all she can get.
Okay let's get you out of here Greg and don't come back on our property ever.
I know Ana.
I doubt that and she would never have invited you here.
Omg Greg followed us here. See that guy talking to your mother? He has been harassing me for a date and I have told him no time and time again. He works close to my job and he won't leave me alone if I go to lunch it is like he knows or someone let's him know. Archie knows about him he handled his divorces and he is handling number three now. I guess he saw me in the office and waited around to ask me out. He has no idea what the word no means.
Christian G
I will ask him to leave now. Come with me now.
Ana did you invite this guy to the party.
No and he has been harassing me and following me around. He shows up every place I go publicly. I am filing a restraining order Monday. After that the cops will handle it. By the way I carry a gun and know self defense. Next time you bother me you will be arrested.
I can't believe Ana thinks she can speak to me like that I will have Archie fire her ass and let's see her talk to me like that again. I tell her that Archie is a great friend of mine and she best treat me with the respect I am due from her. She dials a number and holds out the phone and hands it to me with the speaker on, after she tells someone that I have indeed followed her to the bbq.
Listen Greg I told you yo stay away from all of my employees what part of that didn't you understand? Now you know the divorce I was handling for you. You are going through find another attorney now. I will not fire Ana because you are a stalking pervert and want her and she wants nothing to do with you. There will be a restraining order filed Monday morning and that doesn't help you in the divorce. Now go home or be arrested and don't bother calling me to get you out.

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