A Wonderful Day

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Christian G
I have been dating Ana for 6 months and it is Christmas and we are having a wonderful time and have said the I love you's and I asked her to move in and she agreed to it. We bought a nice home near my parents home. She is still working for Archie and is working on her degrees as well. Kate and Elliott are living in Anas old home along with Mia and Ethan, Kate's brother. The cars are now moved to our new home minus one Ferrari and an SUV. Ana sold a car to Kate and is getting rent from all 4 of the people living in her home. She was approached by several places wanting to buy the property at half of the appraised value. She laughed at them.
Christian R
I keep getting mistaken for my older brother now that we are hanging out. I had no idea how many women were gold diggers until I started meeting him and my family new and old close to his building. We had lunch and two ladies said I could have them for lunch. My mom had some choice words with them about being ladies and informed them that her son is marrying a lady so they need to leave. Considering they weren't ladies. We sat there and waited while paparazzi were taking photos of all of us. Christian and his family walk in with 5 security in tow and joins us. The flashes go wild. My older brother is used to all of this but we aren't. Charles just smiles and waves at the cameras. Everyone is speculating who we really are. We decided to not do anything about it. As long as our names aren't out there we are good. Amee and Mia get a kick out of it. I just keep walking it is like the attentiona can be overwhelming. I see why Christian has all the security though. Since the bbq we have a lot of family events and Grace and mom have become great friends. She was so lonely after dad died and now she has more family than she could shake a stick at. Carrick is like a father figure for us and we have grandparents who dote on us again.
I watch both Christians and if you watch long enough you can see the difference in them both. Besides the two inches Christian R has in height difference he smiles a lot more than my Christian does. But Christian has so much to think about and to do. He is always thinking. We are all going to aspen for Christmas and New Years we are heading to New York for New Years eve to watch the ball drop from my Christians apartment.
I am enjoying all of this family events and Elliott has been on edge a bit lately. He has been sneaking and going shopping with his mother and his sisters for my gifts.
I have his gift already and Anas as well. My brother wants tickets to sporting events. Ana and I bought them together. Then we find out that her Christian has a box at any games he wants to see. So we are giving him the tickets and just letting Christian mention the box.
I bought something personal. I am not used to all of this hoopla regarding Christmas or birthdays. Meeting Ana was and is still a blessing bestowed upon us all. She seems to bring out good luck for all of us.
I talk to Grace about the plans for the charity we are on together all to benefit families in need. The one thing I know is that I was always taken good care of and had everything I needed. Memory loss or not I knew I was loved and had a nice home and never did without. Any extra things I had to work to get for myself. I instilled that principle into my children as well. It seems like the Greys did as well. I stay out of the limelight, the press just call me friend of the Grey family and that works for me. Grace just chuckles when the press says that. They have caught both Christians in photos caption says will the real Christian Grey stand up please. Lol.
Mia and I have been helping with the charity events to make it more interesting for us younger philanthropist. Mom says it is good that we get involved in things like this. She has me working with Charles when I can. My co workers were catty at first, but they finally got over it. I think they felt I was going to get special treatment. When my boss called me out on a big mistake it made them realize I was not getting anything special. My pay got docked.
Mom and dad have told me that I need to get my career goals going soon. My courses at college aren't very cohesive with any real jobs out there now. I see Amee and Charles working at their family business and we don't have one. Christian has jobs needing filled in areas, but I don't have the education or experience. I am great at organizing big party events and conferences. I asked mom, dad, Christian and Elliott if they could keep me in mind for things like this in the future. I got 4 jobs at once. I had to work fast and hard to get everything done, by the end of it all I pulled it all off and Christian created a new company for me to run with his help. He setup a few of his people to help with the setup and hiring of good staff. He thinks once word gets out that I should have a lot of work by next Christmas. He recommended courses to take to help me run my company. One course was called how to be a boss. He said for me that would be redundant, since I am bossy.
We had a great time at lunch and Amee and I signed up for classes and then looked at some books on starting my business up.

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